Puppet Who 11-20

Feb 09, 2010 11:42

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chapter 11 herk (herk227 )

"So what now?" Ace asked "Someone's going to explain what this is all about? I feel like I'm stuck in Sesame Street."

"Well maybe I should try to explain the difference between friend and foe to you." Nine-puppet answered grinningly.

"Oi, Professor, only if you do it with a lot of running around and drawing in the air."

"If I had known that would work, I would have tried that method to explain the subject of acceptable safety measures in fuses to you."

Nine and Ace, two puppets with black jackets embraced laughingly. They had missed each other and cuddling came a lot easier in this fluffy form.

They didn't recognize the red haired puppet watching them.

"You can only be a real boy again if you kill the Doctor for me." A voice whispered from off screen

chapter 12 ClocketPatch (clocketpatch )

Jack was lying spread in several pieces over the floor. He still tried valiantly to flirt -

But was shut up by a glare from Ace-puppet, and Nine-puppet telling him to

"Put a sock in it if he knew what was good for him"

Adric-puppet had fainted again to the relief of everyone present. Ace-puppet and Nine-puppet were in the middle of a nostalgic conversation, and Rose-puppet was looking on with a pout.

"I thought I was unique," she pouted.

"Oh get over it," said Ace-puppet.

Zodin-puppet was in the middle of a fine sulk. Rose went over to join him.

"One thing I don't understand," said Nine-puppet after he'd finished catching up with Ace. "If you're responsible for this puppet-ing, then why'd you turn yourself into a sock as well? It defeats the purpose a bit doesn't it?"

"It was a mistake," said puppet Zodin, "hence the 'oh shit' at the beginning of this story."

"Can't argue with that logic," said Ace-puppet. She pulled out her nitro and started waving it about again, "Now, you gonna reverse it or you gonna end up like jumping Jack flash over there?"

Zodin looked terrified.

"I er… well… um…"

"Right," Ace-puppet said, putting away her nitro, "probably wouldn't have worked anyway. Don't think polyester blends make good catalysts. Any good ideas Professor?"

Nine-puppet looked around. "Not particularly… no."

They all sat around despondently until a red-headed puppet ran in out of nowhere to join their little group.

"Are you the Terrible Zodin?" Rose-puppet asked.

"Don't be silly," said the Dastardly Zodin, "She looks nothing like my sister."

"Turlough???" asked puppet-Nine.

The red-headed puppet shrugged a bit to indicate yes, he is in fact Turlough.

"What are doing here?" asked puppet-Nine.

"Uhhh…" puppet-Turlough quickly hid the glowing crystal he was carrying behind his back. "Nothing suspicious…"

Crystal - kill the Doctor, KILLLL!!!!!!!

Everyone: "What's that?"

Puppet-Turlough: "Err… nothing…."

chapter 13 herk (herk227 )

In exactly that moment he was hit over the head by a slim plastic pipe-like thing.

"Ow." Turlough-puppet said and turned around to face some black haired puppet in a fur coat.

"Lying is very bad behaviour young man." Two-puppet very vehemently stated and hit him again over the head.

"Who's that?" Rose, Jack and Ace demanded to know.

Nine-puppet managed to give the impression of blushing although his colour didn't change a bit. "Me."

A sharp crack turned everyone's attention from Nine to Two, which saved Nine from further explanations.

"You have broken my recorder." Two stated rather shocked.

When he saw rage building in Two-puppet's eyes all Turlough could do was turn and run.

Two-puppet chased after him and began to repeatedly hit him with his now broken recorder.


"I wonder if he can do that to Adric afterwards?" Nine-puppet quietly muttered under his breath.

chapter 14 Bily

Jack-puppet, still lying in pieces on the ground, quickly scooted up to Two-puppet, smiling hopefully.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I want to sing," replied Jack-puppet simply.

And so the two of them began to sing The Wheels on the Bus, until it got so annoying and boring that Rose-puppet grabbed Two-puppet's broken recorder and began to hit him with it.

Jack-puppet, who was still in a very musical mood, began to sing.

"Hit me with your rhythm stick," he sang. "Hit me! Hit me!"

And so Rose-puppet turned to him, brandishing the broken recorder.

"Don't hit me! Don't hit me!"

chapter 15 herk (herk227 )

"Well at least we established that you're not so into S&M as you usually suggest." Rose-puppet deducted with a self satisfied smirk.

Two-puppet hid behind Nine. "I seem to pick up some rather hot blooded young women in my future." he observed.

"I think I have to do something about this ridiculous circumstances." Nine-puppet stated and patted down his leather jacket.
"Haha." he grinned triumphantly and pulled something out.

"Ehm, Professor, what are you going to do with a blinking biro?" Ace-puppet asked.

*So much for the sonic screw driver*

chapter 16 Bily

Suddenly there was a flash of blinding light and a crash, and Ten-puppet reappeared before the other puppets' very fabric eyes.

"Doctor!" cried Rose, running up to hug him.

"Oh, Rose, I thought I'd lost you!" he cried, then pulled away, looking confused. "Well, actually, I thought I'd lost me. No, wait, that's not it. I thought you'd lost me. Yes, that's right. Anyway--"

"Same Doctor, I see."

"Oi! You're one to talk! Hitting old men with woodwind instruments!"

"I agree!" cried Two-puppet.

"Oh, shut up! This isn't about you!"

"But you were talking about me!"

"No, I wasn't!"

"Yes, you were."

"NO HE WASN'T!" cried the other puppets, all red-faced.

Suddenly, Zodin-puppet appeared behind them and cackled evilly.

"What the Dalekanium was that for?" asked Ten-puppet.

"I don't know," replied Zodin-puppet. "Just felt like cackling, that's all."


chapter 17 herk (herk227 )

"Great now I've missed my chance" Nine really wasn't happy with the appearance of his future self, especially since it seemed to be the real (puppet) one this time.

"Oh don't be grumpy." Two-puppet told him. "We all get replaced in the end - most of the times the replacement's even better." He winked. "And his time will come, too, I promise."

"I don't think it gets any better than him, at least not aesthetically." Jack-puppet said from the floor.

"Oh stop it." Nine- Ten- and Rose-puppet shouted unisono, although Ten wasn't quite as enthusiastic as Nine in the shouting.

"Well ..." Two said "I don't think I can do anything at the moment, I will just wait for Jamie to arrive."

"Who's Jamie?" Ace-puppet wanted to know.

"Fellow I used to travel with." Nine explained. "Wherever that me..." a plump plush pinky pointed at Two, "...went he was usually right behind."

"Oh, I can't wait to see a puppet in a kilt." Two smiled.

chapter 18 Whovian in America

A puppet in a kilt strolled on, or as much a stroll as a puppet could do. "Eh, Doctor, what is this?" the kilted puppet asked. "I found it over their" he pointed in the direction he came from.

"The Amazing Spanking Machine," called puppet-Adric. He had woken up in the previous chapter, but no one felt the need to mention that.

"How'd you figure that out?" asked the Ten-puppet.

"It says so on the side" he said simply.

chapter 19 ClocketPatch (clocketpatch )

Two and Jamie looked at the spanking machine with something akin to awe in their glued on puppet eyes.

"Mine," said Jamie, waving his dirk.

Adric yelped and speedily relinquished the machine. He'd seen what Ace had done to puppet-Jack with her bare woollen hands, and - even though Jamie's dirk was in actuality a toothpick - he didn't want to take any chances.

"What do it do Doctor?" asked puppet-Jamie, examining his steal.

A growing smile spread across puppet Two's face.

"Come away with me and I'll show you."

The pair wandered off screen. A moment later pleasured hoots and the sound of metal on wool echoed back to the assembled group. Puppet-Nine and -Ten looked very embarrassed. They would have blushed had their faces not been made of fabric.

"Hey Doc," said puppet-Jack, looking very cocky for someone, who had been dissembled into five separate pieces, "You never told me."

Both remaining incarnations of the Doctor glared at him.

"Anyway," said Ace, cutting the silence, "this has all been very educational, but don't you all think it's time we zap ourselves back into our own bodies. I mean, this look is nice and all, but it's started to wear a bit thin."

"And I'm allergic to wool," puppet Turlough piped up from the background in a pitiful voice.

Everyone ignored him.

"And I suppose that before I arrived you were all just wandering around in circles socializing, arguing, and trying to kill each other?" puppet-Ten asked.

The assembled group - Ace excluded - looked at their fuzzy, knit feet guiltily.

"Right then," said puppet-Ten, "off to defeat the bad guy, save the day, and get my very sexy body back. I rather miss my hair. This yarn just doesn't cut it, and the bunch of you look positively - " he paused, "Was I being rude?"

"More off-topic than anything," said puppet-Ace, "but yeah."

"Alright," said puppet-Ten, "we need a plan. We need to find the nexus point which is boosting the puppet conversion signal, go in, and deactivate it." He leaned in close to the still-sulking Zodin. "Any idea where that is??"

"In the pit of despair!!!" puppet- Zodin wailed, "but it's no use, you'll never be able to reach it alive!!!"

"Why does it always have to be the pit of despair?" muttered puppet-Ace, "Why can't it ever be a nice place, instead of some dismal sounding hole in the ground?"

And on that note the small group of sock-puppet character set out on a quest to regain their physical forms.

chapter 20 ThroughanAmberFocus (amberfocus )

“You know,” said Adric conversationally to Ace, “It’s generally my job to do the whine-I mean complaining around here.”

Ace looked at him darkly and held up a container of Nitro 9. “You know what this stuff does?”

“No,” gulped Adric, not sure he wanted to know.

“It allows me to complain if I want to.” Adric very wisely decided to go and stand near someone else.

The puppet Doctors were arguing over who got to set the coordinates to take them on their quest to get their bodies back. Rose, put out that no one was paying her any attention went over to Jack and started putting his stuffing back inside him. “Anyone got a sewing kit?” she asked.

“Oh, leave him,” muttered puppet-Nine. “We don’t really need him for this anyway.”

Puppet-Ten, who’d been thinking the same thing decided to be annoying and reached into his pocket, rummaging a bit before he came up with a little hotel kit and tossed it to Rose. “You got a sewing kit in yer pocket? What kind of a Nancy boy did I turn into?”

“And you say I’m rude!” he announced to the room in general, and while puppet-Nine was distracted by his own so-called brilliance, Ten deftly set the coordinates and hit the dematerialization circuit.

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