PuppetWho 1-10

Feb 09, 2010 11:22

Because clocketpatch   asked for it here are the first 10 chapters of Puppet Who as created by Whovian in America on teaspoon:

 I put up the username on teaspoon in italics and the username on lj in (brackets) if I knew it. If you know other usernames let me know in the comments and I'll edit them in.

This is more or less how it appeared on teaspoon, I took out the obvious typos and unified the notation from Ten!puppet, Puppetten, Puppet-ten etc to one variant to make it easier to read otherwise it's the way the people have written it some two years ago.

Chapter 1 Whovian in America

10th Doctor *entering*: “What the- how the- but the-” *looks down* “Oh shit...”

Chapter 2 Whovian in America

10th Doctor: “OK, I’m a puppet, let’s not-“

*a puff of smoke*

Adric: “I’m alive? I’m alive!” *looks around* “Who are you puppet man?”

10th Doctor: “Adric, you’re alive! Hello, I’m the Doctor.”

Chapter 3 herk  (herk227 )

"No, you are a puppet. I am the Doctor." A voice with a very pronounced Northern accent stated.

Adric and the Ten-puppet turned around.

Ten couldn't help but laugh at the extraordinary sight.

"What?!" Nine snapped irritated.

"You ...- you are..." Ten-puppet gasped for air and began to role helplessly on the floor.


"I guess what he tries to say is, you are a puppet, too." Adric helpfully supplied.

Nine-puppet looked down at himself horrified. He didn't know what was worse. To become a puppet or to discover that somewhere in your future there was a pretty puppet - ehm boy - waiting along the line, who was obviously too stupid to see the gravity of the situation.

"I don't know, I find it kind of cute." Rose declared standing behind him. "I always liked puppets in leather jackets, hence my unnatural liking of the DJ Kat Show, I think."

*Well maybe becoming a puppet isn't that bad.*

Chapter 4 ThroughanAmberFocus (amberfocus )

“How do you manage that?” Asked Nine-puppet, looking at Rose.

“Manage what?” Rose asked, her dark felt eyebrows rising in question.

“To be beautiful.” Nine-puppet looked at her in awe, then shifted his expression, “You know, for a human…erm, puppet?”

“What do you mean for a human?” Ten-puppet asked, his feet flopping forward as he prepared to take umbrage against his former self. “Or a puppet? Rose is beautiful no matter what.” Nine-puppet growled at Ten-puppet, who put his puffy arms around Rose. He noticed that the puffy arms in the leather jacket were puffier than his. Not fair.

“Now boys,” said Rose.

“What?” Piped up the Adric puppet.

Rose rolled her eyes, which felt very strange indeed since they were now glued onto her face. Then she laughed at Ten-puppet. His head had orange yarn sticking up at crazy angles all over his head.

“Whatever or whoever did this got it a bit wrong,” she said to Ten-puppet. “But at least you’re finally ginger!”

chapter 5 Ladytimelord

"I've never been ginger! Finally!" Ten-puppet grinned while Nine-puppet rolled his eyes dramatically. Or, at least attempted too, being a puppet made his characteristic eye rolling slightly more difficult. Stupid PVA glue.

"Wait a second..." the Nine-puppet said, as he looked at Rose.

"What?" all three other puppets said.

"Your eyes... you're meant to have brown eyes. They're blue." Nine-puppet frowned, and looked at Ten-puppet. "And you say you're meant to have brown hair? Something's not right..."

"You can say that again," Adric-puppet said, and promptly fell to the floor in a fainted-puppet heap.

chapter 6 Bily

Ten-puppet looked at the others nervously.

"What are you all staring at?" he asked.

"You don't look like yourself any more, Doctor," said Rose-puppet.

"How so?"

Then Ten-puppet began to transform.


chapter 7 ClocketPatch (clocketpatch )

"Ah ha! So you've figured me out!" said the not-Ten-puppet, "Shame, it was fun while it lasted… though I suppose now I've got to reveal my identity and dastardly plan?"

"You don't have to," said Nine-puppet, "but it would be appreciated, so if you could stop jawing and get on with it?"

"I" said not-Ten-puppet, "am not the Doctor."

"Well, we figured that out, didn't we?" said Rose-puppet.

"I" not-Ten continued, "am no other than the Dastardly Zodin! Tremble with fear!!!" *evil laugh*

"Thought you were a girl," said Rose-puppet, "I mean the Doctor told me a story once an'…"

"That's the TERRIBLE Zodin," the Dastardly Zodin corrected, "it's a common mistake, happens all the time, but never again now that my master plan is almost complete!" *evil laugh*

"What plan?" asked Nine-puppet.

"Why turning all possible threats to my person into puppets of course!" said Dastardly Zodin.

"But what about him?" Rose-puppet asked, nodding towards the (thankfully) fainted Adric-puppet. "He's just a kid, no threat there…"

The Dastardly Zodin and the Nine-puppet exchanged a look.

"Erm… he is a bit…" Nine-puppet started, "if you'd ever spent over an hour trapped in a room with him you'd know. There is no greater threat to sanity in the world than Adric's whining."

chapter 8 herk (herk227 )

"Well if you're not the Doctor, that means you're not totally and exclusively fixated on Rose, right?" a new voice said.

"Hey!" Nine-puppet protested.

Rose looked at him with definitive interest - no Ten-puppet meant no hard choice for her.

Zodin turned to the newcomer rather perplexed. And saw...

Jack-puppet, who managed to look really hot, although he was made out of something resembling and old sock.

"I think the ginger hair rather suits you." he purred at Zodin.

"What the hell's going on here?" a new voice demanded angrily. "And why does my Nitro 9 looks as if someone has knitted it?"

chapter 9 Lady TimeLord

"That Ace... believe it or not, is because it is." Nine-puppet said, grinning somewhat smugly in his knitted puppet-ness.

"No no no this isn't how it's supposed to happen!" Zodin almost cried, particularly as Jack-puppet had just placed his hand suggestively on his shoulder.

"No trust me Zodin," Jack-puppet purred, "This is exactly how it's supposed to happen."

"Jack, there is a place and a time you know," Rose-puppet intervened.

"Exactly Rose, and this could be the place, and this could most definitely be the time." he quipped back.

"Honestly Jack. Do you have to?" Nine-puppet said, shaking his head in almost disbelief.

"Does he have to what?" Adric-puppet slurred before slumping back into a heap not at, but on Nine-puppets knitted fluffy boots.

chapter 10 ClocketPatch (clocketpatch )

Puppet-Ace looked at her rather woolly Nitro 9 and shrugged. She could understand why no one was listening to her -

Heck, she was having trouble taking herself seriously.

Having a bottle of hairspray that measured nine on the Richter scale was one thing... a crocheted bottle of hairspray...

But, no matter the situation, no one messed with Ace.

"Hey, Zodin!" she said, a little louder this time, waving her nitro in a threatening manner. "You gonna un-puppet-a-fy us or what?"

"Oh dear," said Nine-puppet, looking at the nitro, "I thought my past self impressed on you how dangerous it was to carry around heavy duty explosives.

"Aren't you glad I never listened Professor?" said puppet-Ace.

He swallowed (well, as much as a sock puppet can swallow anyway).

It was at this point that Jack-puppet decided to start being flirty.

"Not with Ace..." Nine-puppet murmured under his breath.

Of course Jack-puppet didn't listen.

"Ow!" Zodin-, Rose-, and Adric-puppets all said together ten minutes later.

Jack-puppet was looking rather sorry after Ace-puppet (literally) beat the stuffing out of him.

Nine-puppet whistled.

"Told you so."

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