[ rl with gale hawthorne : hear the silence scream ]

Jan 31, 2011 20:34

[[ ooc: impromptu rl log with gale hawthorne following ddd timewarp virus ]]

Gale 7:57 pm
........./pounces a Candy!Candy 7:58 pm
iherjihrwiohrw /POUNCED
Gale 7:58 pm
Hello there~
Candy 7:58 pm
Gale 8:02 pm
Uh... I should probably get off of you now, shouldn't I?
Candy 8:03 pm
Well. That depends if you're going to do something about our current position or not.
Gale 8:06 pm
Well you *are* actually kind of comfy. [He grins. But he gets up off of her all the same.] And fun to pounce.
Candy 8:14 pm
That's a good combination, right
Gale 8:19 pm
[He laughs.] A perfect combination. For me anyway
Candy 8:19 pm
[Still laying on the bed.] Well as long as it's good enough for you.
Gale 8:21 pm
...hey, your happiness and enjoyment matters way more than mine ever will.
Candy 8:22 pm
[Smiles at him.] I know it does.
Gale 8:27 pm
Well then, what would you enjoy doing right now? [He smirks.]
Candy 8:28 pm
....... [rolls over onto her stomach and lays her head down.] Sleeping sounds good
Gale 8:30 pm
[He perches his chin on the edge of the bed and frowns.] With me?
Candy 8:31 pm
[Opens an eye and looks at him.] I guesssss.
Gale 8:35 pm
Candy, you don't sound very convincing. [He's just going to pout at the edge of the bed now.]
Candy 8:36 pm
Do you really need convincing? [She smirks at him.]
Gale 8:41 pm
 ... [All right, now he's smirking right back.] Maybe not that much convincing. [And he's just going to climb into bed with you now Candy~]
Candy 8:42 pm
[She laughs and wraps her arms around him.] Hi there.
Gale 8:43 pm
 [He nuzzles her a little, kissing her on the cheek.] Hello there beautiful. Hope you don't mind me sneaking in.
Candy 8:43 pm
Do I ever mind? [She grins at him as she kisses his cheek.]
Gale 8:51 pm
Oh, I don't know. You might when I'm being an idiot. Which happens quite a lot with me...
Candy 8:51 pm
It does. Especially lately...
Gale 8:53 pm
 ... [Dammit now he feels guilty.] I'm sorry if I'm causing problems, Candy.
Candy 8:54 pm
[She kisses his cheek again.] Let's not talk about that, okay?
Gale 8:55 pm
[He nods, smiling at her.] All right. Let's... just move on.
Candy 8:58 pm
Except.... What are you not telling me?
Gale 8:58 pm
 ... [He sighs.] It's nothing important. Just random things I can remember during the virus.
Candy 8:59 pm
About us.
Gale 8:59 pm
About us... but since it was just a virus it wasn't exactly... real. Was it?
Candy 9:00 pm
I don't know! You won't tell me.
Gale 9:01 pm
It can't be since the ring isn't there anymore... [Oops, he didn't say that.]
Candy 9:02 pm
......... Was I engaged to someone?
Gale 9:03 pm
 ... [He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before confronting her again.] All right. Yes you were. We wer, actually. Briefly.
Candy 9:04 pm
.... And what? That's a bad thing you have to hide from me?
Gale 9:05 pm
...what? No! I didn't mean it like that. I just... didn't want you to get upset. That's all.
Candy 9:07 pm
I don't need you to protect my feelings! If some stupid virus says we were engaged in the future then obviously it’s wrong.
Gale 9:08 pm
 ... [That kind of hurt.] Right... obviously.
Candy 9:10 pm
I mean thats what you want right? Thats why you needed to check my hand this morning and hide it from me? Because if we don't talk about it it didn't happen and you're the only one to remember and not miss it.
Gale 9:12 pm
Actually, I was hoping I could pretend it didn't happen so I wouldn't wish for it to be real. [He mutters, not looking at her.]
Candy 9:12 pm
Cause god fobid you love me and only me!
Gale 9:13 pm
Candy, that's not what I meant! I just assumed you wouldn't want that... and anyway we're still young. There are still things we have to take care of.
Candy 9:16 pm
Fuck you! You don't know me at all. You don't get to assume what I want and don't want. You don't get to protect me from shit.
Gale 9:17 pm
...I'm sorry all right? You wonder why I didn't say anything about this? Why I didn't want to? Because I didn't want this to happen!
Candy 9:19 pm
No! Don't you dare put this on me. This happened because you tried to hide it from me. But guess what? Now you really can let it go and petend it never happened because it never will.
Gale 9:20 pm
Because you don't want to. See? It looks like I wasn't so wrong after all.
Candy 9:21 pm
Because you're an asshole! I take it back. Katniss can have you. I don't want this anymore.
Gale 9:22 pm
What did I do this time? Honestly, tell me what I've done wrong!
Candy 9:24 pm
I give everything to you gale! I've given all of me to you! And what do you give me? What's convenient for you? The things that don't ruin your future with katniss?
Gale 9:25 pm
I never once mentioned Katniss in this conversation. You're the one who brought her up. This is about us not her.
Candy 9:28 pm
There is no us! You've made that clear plenty of times
Gale 9:29 pm
Well in that case there's no me and Katniss either. There's just... me.
Candy 9:30 pm
And who made it that way?
Gale 9:30 pm
...I'm trying, Candy. I really am. But everything's so messed up right now and that virus really didn't help me not to want you.
Candy 9:31 pm
Why do you resist wanting me?! Whats wrong with wanting me?!
Gale 9:32 pm
Because I don't trust myself. And I'm worried I'll end up hurting you.
Candy 9:34 pm
Don't give me that bullshit 'it’s me not you' because I hurt anyway gale!
Gale 9:35 pm
...then just tell me what you want me to do, okay?
Candy 9:38 pm
I have. But sorry it interferes with this dream of you and katniss one day. I hope she loves you the way I did, or else you're going to be real lonely gale.
Gale 9:40 pm
...then that's it? You just... don't love me anymore? [Hurt Gale is hurt, Candy.]
Candy 9:41 pm
I can't love you anymore. Its killing me gale.
Gale 9:43 pm
We were fine though! We were getting along great. We were having fun. I love you, Candy, please...
Candy 9:45 pm
I want more, gale. I want to be in a relationship with you. I want to introduce you as my boyfriend. I want to be the only one you love. And that's... Just asking too much of you now. I'm sorry.
Gale 9:48 pm
I... maybe we should give each other some space. I don't know anymore. [But all he knows is that he loves Candy and this is crushing him.]
Candy 9:49 pm
Yeah. I thought you'd say that. Just. Go.
Gale 9:51 pm
... [He tries for a quick kiss on the cheek at that before making his way over to the window to leave.]
Candy 9:55 pm
[she flinches away from him as he kisses her cheek. Not even looking at him as he leaves.]

!ic, @gale, game!ddd, #event: virus end, *rl, #rl: hear the silence scream

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