text post ;

Jan 16, 2011 22:55

Everyone keeps asking me about what I think of the community today. Like my opinions on it and such. And then with all the new members signing up today, it sort of makes me realize I never had that overreaction to this place. Even after the things it's put me through I still don't feel like any of this is weird at all. Like it's all... natural almost.

I guess that's the clear sign that all those girls I go to high school were right. There is something a little off about me. I always chalked that up to the fact that this place is so..... normal.

Chickentown and DramaDramaDuck are about as polar opposites as you could ever find. I always knew I never fit in here, though, because this place was too normal. Kind of strange to think of a place as being 'too normal' but it's the perfect description for Chickentown. Small town, nothing interesting, and no ambitions whatsoever. People here are content with this life.

Me. I never was. I felt odd as a kid, and that was just a phase all of us went through. I felt alienated as a pre-teen and that was a rebellion a few people stuck by me through. I feel detached from this place and now I'm a freak. A social pariah that no one would consider befriending. And the weirdest thing about that is that it doesn't bother me. I don't mind not having any friends in this town. I probably wouldn't mind not having family in this town either because it would mean I have no roots here. There would be no more connection between me and this place.

But I always thought this was just because my town was that strange normal. That somewhere there was a city that was the average average. That that was where I fit in best. Not with people who were too normal, but not amongst the freaks really.

Then I find DramaDramaDuck and talk about a wild ride. Nothing is even 'average average'. It's all pretty out there and wild. And don't a single one of you try to deny it.

Yet this place... it feels like home. Well, as close to home as an internet community with strange viruses can get. Still I feel like this is where I fit in. Like this is close to where I belong. If this place was a city it would be where I would run away to.

I guess the basic summary is that yes. I adore this community and everything about it. I don't care how weird or creepy or messed up it can get. I don't care how much it puts me through because at the end of the day I still feel more alive than I've ever felt in my life. This place...it feels like home to me. Better than home.


#event: happy candy is happy, !ic, #event: rambling needs its own tag, game!ddd, *text

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