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Dec 17, 2010 00:40

Miss Schwartz is probably one of the worst English teachers I have ever had.And I come from a small town with a not-so-great education program to begin so my standards are pretty low to begin with.

While my ultimate goal in life isn't to become a famous writer some day, I would at least like a teacher who doesn't assign essays that we wrote in middle school, sometimes even elementary school.

'Write about a good day in the past. Write about a day in the present. Write about your day in the future.'

I wrote this exact same essay in the fifth grade. That's not even in exaggeration. I almost feel like she's ripping off her lessons from the lower grades at this point.

The even more tragic part remains that I still don't know what to write for the 'future'. Quite honestly, I have no real goals. I have no real dreams. I'm just... floating. The easy answer would to write about chickens, of course. Talk about chickens for paragraphs on end and you'll get an 'A' even if they have nothing to do with the topic of our essay.  That's the beauty of Chickentown, Minnesota. Yet i refuse to stoop to a level so low.

.... But the fact remains I still can't picture the future.

I guess a lot of people can't at my age. But I'll probably be the only one to fail this assignment. Oh well.

!ic, #event: school sucks, game!ddd, *text

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