video ; PURPOSELY fail!locked from gale

Jan 31, 2011 20:42

[So the video starts off with Candy sitting at her computer. She's clearly turned it on herself. She looks fairly calm, maybe a little annoyed. But she's quiet. And she's thinking. And she's just quiet. Until she gets fed up with her own silence and mutters in anger before attempting to turn off the camera. But DDD doesn't work that way.

She gets up now, trying to blow off some obviously pent up anger as she runs her hands through her hair and paces her room. She grabs something small and plastic and throws it hard against a wall before grabbing a pillow and screaming as loud as she can into it. Then she stops when she hears footsteps and drops the pillow on the bed, running to the door to make sure it's locked just as her mother reaches the door and tries the handle, then knocks.]

Candy... is everything all right?

Yeah, Mom. Everything's fine. Just... fell off my bed.

Okay... if you're sure... [Eventually her mother does leave and Candy let's out a heavy sigh, pissed off that she let herself get that outraged.

Finally she sits down in front of the computer again and turns the camera back on, still not realizing it'd been on the whole time.]

So. I broke up with Gale.

Well, I guess I can't say we broke up since we were never 'together' in the first place.

I guess technically that means nothing of actual value was lost. [She says this rather coldly.]

That's all. I'm done.

[And now the camera turns off for good.]

[[ ooc: reference here! ]]

!ic, @gale, #event: don't get sad get mad, *video, #event: virus end

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