[Fic] A Dong Bang Baby

Nov 05, 2006 09:05

Changmin opened the bedroom door and peered down the narrow hallway. All clear. He stepped out, closing the door behind him oh-so-softly. He crept down the hall toward the kitchen, Jaejoong hyung’s chocolate chip cookies on his mind. He froze in place outside Yunho and Jaejoong’s shared room at the sound of laughter.

What were they doing up at 3 a.m? Changmin leaned closer to the door, curiosity overtaking his love of cookies for the moment.

“What should we name it when it comes?” Yunho’s voice asked.

“I guess that depends on whether it’s a boy or girl.” Jaejoong answered in a casual tone.

“Which would you prefer?”

“Does it matter? It’ll be loved and cared for either way, wont it?”

Loved and cared for? What in the world… Oh. My. God.

“Of course, how could you ask that?”


“But what’ll we name it?” Jaejoong’s rich laughter.

“Yunnie ah, we have 6 months to figure out names! Now go to sleep.”

Changmin listened to the sounds of rustling bed sheets for a few seconds before silently running down the hall, throwing himself into the bedroom he shared with Yoochun and Junsu.

It wasn’t supposed to be possible. But there was no other possible explanation for the conversation he had just… heard (because of course, Shim Changmin never eavesdropped. Never).

Jaejoong was pregnant.

The next morning (a rare day off) Changmin cornered Yoochun and Junsu in the practice room. Junsu was sitting, resting his head against Yoochun’s shoulder as he worked on a new composition.

“Hyungs, I have something to tell you.” Changmin said entering the room and closing the door tightly behind him. Yoochun and Junsu watched him take a seat next to them, confusion in there eyes.

“What’s wrong Minnie?” Junsu asked. Changmin hesitated, wondering for a second if he should share his suspicions (which were suspicious to begin with.)

“Minnie -“

“Jaejoong hyung is pregnant!” Changmin blurted out.




“Minnie-ah what did Jaejoong hyung tell you about studying too late? I think you’ve been pulling too many late nights again.”

Changmin glared at Yoochun. ”It’s true! I heard them talking about it last night. Yunho hyung wanted to come up with names, but Jaejoong hyung told him they had six months to decide and -“

Changmin stopped to watch Junsu’s eyes grow as wide as saucers.

“You heard them talking?” Changmin nodded.

“But… That’s not even possible! Jaejoong hyung is very much male! I know that for a fact.” Yoochun raised a considering eyebrow at his boyfriend.

“And how do you know that so well?’ Junsu flushed.

“Focus, Chunnie! We have more important things to deal with than the fact that Jaejoong likes to walk around naked.”

“What, you actually believe this insanity?” Yoochun’s eyebrow rose even higher. Junsu paused.

“Well… it does explain a few things.” Changmin nodded eagerly, in complete agreement with his hyung.

“Jaejoong hyung’s been really tired lately,” Changmin mused, “and yesterday when he almost fell in practice Yunho insisted that he take him home so he could rest. I know Yunho hung would never suggest any of us go home if we missed a step in practice.”

Yoochun smirked at the younger boy. “Well, he’s not getting any from you every night, now is he?” Junsu poked him indignantly in the shoulder.

“Is your mind ever on anything other than sex?” Junsu blushed hotly at the look in Yoochun’s eyes. “Never mind, silly question.”

Changmin rolled his eyes and cleared his throat to regain their attention. “Should we tell them that we know? Or should we wait for them to tell us themselves?”

“Tell us what? There’s nothing to tell!”

Junsu nodded, reluctantly agreeing with Yoochun. “We have no proof, Minnie and right now, we’d sound a bit crazy if we said anything.”

Changmin blew a heavy sigh, a pout forming on his lips. “I suppose you’re right, hyung,” he said, getting up and walking to the door. He opened it just in time to see Jaejoong run towards the bathroom, a hand clapped to his mouth and the other clutching his stomach. Changmin, Junsu, and Yoochun could all hear as Jaejoong emptied the contents of his stomach (‘hopefully he made it’, Changmin couldn’t help but think). Then-

“Jung Yunho! This is all your fault!”

Changmin closed the door, spinning around to smirk at an open-mouthed Yoochun and a wide-eyed Junsu.

The three youngest members of Dong Bang Shin Ki decided to say nothing of their suspicions until their hyungs were ready to reveal the secret themselves.

The resolution lasted exactly one week.

Changmin was studying for his up-coming mid terms when Junsu raced into his room, Yoochun trailing behind him.

“I just got back from shopping with Yunho hyung. He wanted my advice on choosing a ‘very special gift for Jae’ he said. He took me to the jewelers to pick out a ring. An expensive, white gold ring. Like an engagement ring.”

Changmin dropped his pencil and turned around in his desk chair to face his two hyungs. “You realize what this means? He’s planning on asking Jaejoong hyung to marry him so the baby won’t be born illegitimate!”

“There’s going to be a Dong Bang wedding?” Yoochun asked.

“Band umma and band appa are tying the knot.” Junsu smiled happily.

“I’ll have to share my food!” Changmin wailed.

When Changmin saw Yunho and Jaejoong curled up on the sofa, their fingers intertwined and resting on Jaejoong’s belly, he snapped.

“In the name of all that’s sacred, could you please tell us already?” His shout disturbed the two lovebirds and brought Yoochun and Junsu running from the practice room. “We know! We’ve known for a week now, and the suspense is killing us.”

Yunho and Jaejoong stared. “Min-ah, what are you talking about?” Yunho asked. Changmin let out a screech of frustration. Junsu placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“What Changmin means to say is that… umm… well,” Jaejoong and Yunho stared expectantly at Junsu, waiting for him to finish, “weknowjaejoongispregnant.” Junsu’s face flushed redder than a ripe tomato as the words left his mouth.

Yunho sat forward so quickly that Jaejoong fell from his lap with a muffled squeak. “Did you just say that you think Jae’s pregnant?” Jaejoong sat up from his position on the floor a horrified look on his face.

“I’m WHAT?”

Junsu flushed redder than anyone thought possible. “It was Min’s idea! He heard you talking about baby names one night, and you’ve been throwing up all the time, and you sleep a lot more now, and Yunho hyung’s been making you these weird concoctions, and I helped him choose that ring you’re wearing right now…” Junsu trailed off at the looks on the faces of the older boys.

“So, from all that the two of you came up with a baby?!” Junsu and Changmin nodded sheepishly. Yoochun tried his best to look like he had nothing to do with the madness which had consumed the youngest members.

Jaejoong tried to hold in a giggle, but it quickly expanded into outright laughter. He quickly stopped when he saw the hurt look on Changmin’s face.

“Do you have any better explanations, then?”

Well, I think by baby names you’re talking about the names we were trying to come up with for the cat we plan to buy for my sister’s birthday.”

“And I’ve been trying to teach Yunho how to cook: that’s what those strange concoctions were,” Jaejoong added, his hand over Yunho’s mouth to stop his protest at the commentary on his culinary skills (or lack there of.) “And those… dishes are the reason I’ve been throwing up so much lately.”

Junsu looked mortified, while Yoochun tried not to say I told you so. Changmin stubbornly stuck to his guns however. “Then why have you been so tired lately?”

“I can’t get to sleep at night because Yunho won’t let me.” Junsu laughed out loud at JaeJoong’s pouting, while Yunho had the grace to look embarrassed.

“And the ring?” Obviously, Changmin wasn’t quite done.

Yunho and Jaejoong smiled shyly at each other, and then faced the other three. “Well, that’s the only thing you got remotely right, Minnie,” Jaejoong said quietly.

“Yunnie-ah asked me to marry him last night… sort of. And we were planning to tell you after dinner tonight. But there’s no baby!”

Junsu and Yoochun squealed delightedly, throwing themselves at their hyungs and congratulating them loudly. Changmin held back, though, a small frown on his face.

Jaejoong noticed, and walked over to where he was sitting. “What’s wrong, Minnie?” He asked quietly, putting an arm around Changmin’s shoulder.

“I’m very, very happy for you and Yunho hyung, of course,” he started. “But I still wish I was getting a baby Dong Bang brother!”


Comments, and criticism are welcome, as long as they're constructive. Hope you enjoyed it!

Up next: What really happened when Yunho (sort of) asked Jae to marry him?

jaeho, dbsk, fic: a dong bang baby, crack, fic

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