Jul 19, 2006 15:08

The majority of votes in yesterday's poll were in the affirmative, so here we are: MARY SUE DAYTIME FANTASY CONFESSIONAL. It doesn't have to be daytime, I'm just saying that cause, hey, how else am I going to get through those boxes of photocopying? Yeah. So! In the interest of embarrassing myself for the entertainment purposes of others, I'll go first!

1. There was one a really really long time ago that I used to think about when I was unable to sleep that was about making out with a certain member of a certain band. I will not tell you who, because I then made out with that person, and then there was nothing to imagine, so I had to start from scratch. I don't remember what was next.

2. For a long time there was a super one about how I would run into Elijah Wood and Dom Monaghan at a now-defunct record store in Austin during SXSW, and they would be impressed with my indifference towards them, and we would all become fast friends and I would squire them around town in my kicky red golf [AN: kicky golf was later purchased in navy, slightly less kicky than red.]. Strangely, I don't remember the making out part about this one. There must have been one, but I don't remember it.

3. The current one is about Fort Padackles, as you should have guessed by now. I am living in Vancouver! Working at some library or archive or something! And I happen to be out at a bar for a coworker's birthday or something and it's the SAME BAR where Jensen and Jared are hanging out drinking! And of course they are very interested and taken first by my Veronica Mars boots and my Texas belt buckle and stunning good looks, and then my charming wit and willingness to make fun of them. They like me, they really like me, but there's no making out. YET. Etc.

Oh my god, that was so much more embarrassing than I thought it was going to be, actually WRITING DOWN the things that keep me dreamily staring out over the Xerox machine. If you bitches don't step up and dish I am going to break up with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.


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