[Day 14] Garden (Free Shift)

Feb 19, 2010 06:24

There were still a few splotches of pain spotting here and there on the young Maou's face. Yuuri didn't even notice it, or wouldn't care even if he did, as his mind seemed to be completely absorbed within his thoughts. Sae... she was here and safe, and not only that, but she seemed to remember everything that had happened right up until her ( Read more... )

tassadar, yuuri, gellert grindelwald, 11-12, cloud

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Comments 73

aiursfavoredson February 19 2010, 14:31:22 UTC
The fumes from the painting exercise had left the High Templar feeling rather ill as he walked away from the library. While the sense of sickness hadn't been as terrible as the shower cleaning experience, it was still a sense of great concern.

He couldn't allow for himself to be distracted with this feeling once night fell. They may have been fortunate the night before, but Tassadar hardly felt that they would yet another night, and he needed to recover from this bout of illness.

Stepping out into the garden area, the templar's attention seemed to be momentarily taken by the sudden action of that young child. He could easily sense the level of distress felt, but in the condition he was in, Tassadar felt it best to leave the child be.

His movements almost seemed heavy as Tassadr moved to a clear area out of the way. The sun's rays felt refreshing against his skin, and as he crouched down quietly, the templar's eyes slipped closed as he settled in to feed.



aiursfavoredson February 20 2010, 21:37:36 UTC
[Dropping down to here]


number1112 February 19 2010, 19:05:35 UTC
11-12 was in a way glad to be out in the garden again but it also brought back bad memories of the night before. He saw Yuuri run off and wondered whether to go after him or not - so for now he just stayed where he was and looked a little lost. This place was distressing and he didn't know what he should be doing. He looked around at the garden and nice as it was - at least nicer than inside - he just felt a sinking feeling inside.



aiursfavoredson February 20 2010, 21:45:02 UTC
[Dropping in from here]

He could sense the distress emanating from another nearby. Pulling out of his thoughts, the High Templar found his attention drifting over towards 11-12. His head tilted to one side in curiosity while he crouched there curiously watching the young child.


number1112 February 20 2010, 22:04:20 UTC
After a moment he noticed he was being watched and then looked relieved to see it was Tassadar. He gave him a small smile but looked very nervous otherwise.

He walked slowly toward him. "What are you doing...?"


aiursfavoredson February 20 2010, 22:24:11 UTC
Tassadar continued to watch 11-12 even a he found the child's attention on him. The small smile was a relieving sight for the templar to see, and Tassadar found himself chuckling in good humour.

'I am nourishing my body,' He offered before lightly explaining, 'While humans gain their nourishment from consuming food, my race obtain it through the light both the sun and moon radiate.'


seconddarkest February 19 2010, 19:16:15 UTC
Gellert wandered out into the garden and he still appeared as chipper as he had when he'd arrived. He glanced around at the other prisoners, his eyes settling on 11-12 for a moment and he did frown slightly. Something seemed familiar about him... but then his eyes kept roving in curiosity about his other fellow inmates.

[Free - and Gellert still needs a tag, please!]


mazoku_king February 20 2010, 21:34:43 UTC
No sooner had Yuuri began to run did he find himself almost crashing into another prisoner. Skirting around on one leg, the young Maou barely managed to stop from falling over as he smiled apologetically.

"Sorry about that," He muttered sheepishly before peering at the other teen in worry, "I didn't hurt you or anything, did I?"


seconddarkest February 20 2010, 21:54:52 UTC
Gellert put out his hands to steady Yuuri. "No, no, I'm fine. You look distressed... Are you all right?"


mazoku_king February 20 2010, 22:08:28 UTC
There was definitely a sigh of relief to see that he hadn't accidentally hurt the other boy. "Thank goodness," Yuuri said while releasing the breath he'd been holding. He didn't mind the hold at all, and smiled thankfully in response.

"Mmm, yeah," He muttered before stepping back and glancing over to where they'd buried Wolfram the night before, "We buried a friend here last night... so I was just checking to make sure that he's still okay."


some0nes_hero February 20 2010, 22:32:32 UTC
Painting had been a rather painful journey from one side of that large building to another. He had motivated himself only long enough to get the job done and then had gone back to leaning on his long paintbrush handle before the guards had unhelpfully shoved him to get to the garden for some rest. He needed more than a rest really, but he was successful in his late trudge to where the garden was ( ... )


clinically_nuts February 20 2010, 22:49:46 UTC
Sephiroth had kept to himself ever since the showers. Cloud's condition hadn't gone past his notice, but he had forced himself to remain at a distance until their free period. It had been difficult, but Sephiroth knew well that if he had assessed the blonde's condition under the watchful eyes of the guards.

He made his way into the garden silently among the other prisoners. Like always, there seemed to be small berth given around, but it was something that the ex-General desired as he caught sight of the flash of blonde up ahead.

Pulling away from the others, Sephiroth quietly trailed after Cloud while the blonde sat down. His movements were slow and purposeful as he came to a stop just a few paces away from the other.

"How are you fairing?" The ex-General quietly murmured. While he wished to reach out to the blonde, the fact that they were out in the open, and the blonde subtly disorientated, kept his movements at bay.


some0nes_hero February 20 2010, 23:00:08 UTC
The sedatives on board in his system even managed to mask his ability to judge how far away Sephiroth was from him. Cloud jumped slightly at the sound of the ex-General's voice, and he opened his eyes to peer at where Sephiroth was standing nearby from him. He lifted a hand to rub his face and nodded his head at the older male.

Slowly, he set his hands to the ground and forced himself back to his feet. He wanted to keep sitting, but there was a time and a place for resting. He suddenly came to the decision that it wasn't here when he knew that Sephiroth would probably start to hover and be concerned over his condition.

"Ah... they gave me a few too many drugs," he murmured and tried to rub a hand over hair but ended up rubbing his forehead instead. He peered at Sephiroth before nodding to himself. "You made it back unscathed?"


clinically_nuts February 20 2010, 23:32:42 UTC
It was obvious that the blonde was still heavily sedated as he moved to stand up, and he assumed that such a thing was done in order to keep Cloud's senses dull. Sephrith was hardly pleased by this considering the night was coming fast.

"So it appears," Sephiroth lightly murmured as he reached out to lightly grasp one of Cloud's arms. "I managed to survive without damage, yes." He said with a nod before giving a a subtle tug to gesture for the blonde to follow, "But perhaps finding somewhere a little more private would be best, hmm?"


wiltedr0ses February 22 2010, 05:01:08 UTC
Aerith had had a terrible day.

One of the guards female guards had apparently had a bad day and had decided to take it out on her. On the way to the showers, she had been tripped, yelled at, and subsequently attacked when she'd tried to get away. She vaguely remembered her collar being activated after taking a solid fist to the face. The next thing she knew, she'd woken up once again in her cell with her right cheekbone positively throbbing.

The guard outside had ordered her to the Garden, and she had simply nodded and followed him there, wincing as her fingers touched the spot to survey the damage.

Sighing as she entered the area with the other prisoners, Aerith contended herself with finding a small patch of grass and having a seat, setting her chin between her knees.

[Yikes, sorry guys. I still exist. Free~]


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