[Day 14] Garden (Free Shift)

Feb 19, 2010 06:24

There were still a few splotches of pain spotting here and there on the young Maou's face. Yuuri didn't even notice it, or wouldn't care even if he did, as his mind seemed to be completely absorbed within his thoughts. Sae... she was here and safe, and not only that, but she seemed to remember everything that had happened right up until her ( Read more... )

tassadar, yuuri, gellert grindelwald, 11-12, cloud

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some0nes_hero February 20 2010, 22:32:32 UTC
Painting had been a rather painful journey from one side of that large building to another. He had motivated himself only long enough to get the job done and then had gone back to leaning on his long paintbrush handle before the guards had unhelpfully shoved him to get to the garden for some rest. He needed more than a rest really, but he was successful in his late trudge to where the garden was.

It was odd being there since the event of last night. He couldn't remember all that well where they had buried Wolfram among the flowers and plants, but he was certain that the dead blond was safe in Gaea. He wasn't about to go looking though and instead looked for a spot where he could plunk himself down in the shade and rest. Damn... those were good sedatives.

Rubbing at the bandages around his throat, he moved slowly as he finally found a spot in the open on the dry dirt and sat. He heaved a great sigh and closed his eyes, hoping that the sedative effects would be absorbed by his body but the pain-killing side remain.

Regardless, he wouldn't have changed his actions from last night.


clinically_nuts February 20 2010, 22:49:46 UTC
Sephiroth had kept to himself ever since the showers. Cloud's condition hadn't gone past his notice, but he had forced himself to remain at a distance until their free period. It had been difficult, but Sephiroth knew well that if he had assessed the blonde's condition under the watchful eyes of the guards.

He made his way into the garden silently among the other prisoners. Like always, there seemed to be small berth given around, but it was something that the ex-General desired as he caught sight of the flash of blonde up ahead.

Pulling away from the others, Sephiroth quietly trailed after Cloud while the blonde sat down. His movements were slow and purposeful as he came to a stop just a few paces away from the other.

"How are you fairing?" The ex-General quietly murmured. While he wished to reach out to the blonde, the fact that they were out in the open, and the blonde subtly disorientated, kept his movements at bay.


some0nes_hero February 20 2010, 23:00:08 UTC
The sedatives on board in his system even managed to mask his ability to judge how far away Sephiroth was from him. Cloud jumped slightly at the sound of the ex-General's voice, and he opened his eyes to peer at where Sephiroth was standing nearby from him. He lifted a hand to rub his face and nodded his head at the older male.

Slowly, he set his hands to the ground and forced himself back to his feet. He wanted to keep sitting, but there was a time and a place for resting. He suddenly came to the decision that it wasn't here when he knew that Sephiroth would probably start to hover and be concerned over his condition.

"Ah... they gave me a few too many drugs," he murmured and tried to rub a hand over hair but ended up rubbing his forehead instead. He peered at Sephiroth before nodding to himself. "You made it back unscathed?"


clinically_nuts February 20 2010, 23:32:42 UTC
It was obvious that the blonde was still heavily sedated as he moved to stand up, and he assumed that such a thing was done in order to keep Cloud's senses dull. Sephrith was hardly pleased by this considering the night was coming fast.

"So it appears," Sephiroth lightly murmured as he reached out to lightly grasp one of Cloud's arms. "I managed to survive without damage, yes." He said with a nod before giving a a subtle tug to gesture for the blonde to follow, "But perhaps finding somewhere a little more private would be best, hmm?"


some0nes_hero February 20 2010, 23:42:37 UTC
Cloud didn't have the capacity to resist or even move away fast enough to avoid the touch. He wouldn't have anyway, but it took him a moment to realize that Sephiroth's hand was on his arm in the first place, and he looked down at it before nodding slowly. "Good... good, I'm glad to hear that. Everyone else made it safely too?"

He spurred himself into motion to follow along behind Sephiroth, and he forced his feet to move quickly in order to keep up with the ex-General. "Ah, okay... you know it best," he murmured.


clinically_nuts February 20 2010, 23:47:19 UTC
Whether the others did or not was hardly something that Sephiroth took much notice of. From what he'd seen, however, it appeared as if they had. "It seems so," He murmured with a nod as he tightened his grip and began to take Cloud deeper into the garden and away from the other prisoners.

"How are your injuries?" Sephiroth asked while pushing aside the branches getting in their way.


some0nes_hero February 20 2010, 23:55:58 UTC
Cloud followed without complaint, just trudged wherever Sephiroth was leading them away from the rest of the prisoner population. He suspected that the guards knew that they were heading off, but he doubted that they would cause much trouble. It wasn't like he was in any condition to fight after all.

"Ah... not bad, I guess," he murmured, not entirely wanting to admit that he couldn't yet feel it. He didn't want to admit how it had happened either, since he was certain that Sephiroth would scold him for being a hero again.


clinically_nuts February 21 2010, 00:09:19 UTC
The coolness the shade gave almost seemed calming, and Sephiroth found himself relaxing despite of everything. A glance over his shoulder gave Sephiroth a quick indication to how delayed the blonde's reactions would be. They were delayed, beyond a doubt, and Sephiroth found himself hoping that it would be mostly past by the night.

"You guess?" While he asked the question, Sephiroth hardly desired an answer. "Do you feel as though the sedatives will bypass your systems before nightfall?"


some0nes_hero February 21 2010, 00:17:30 UTC
The shade was nice, and Cloud came to a stop when it seemed that this was going to be their destination. He remained on his feet as he considered what he was going to do, whether to stay standing or seat himself again in the new spot. Eventually, he made his decision and began to lower himself down to the ground again.

"I hope so," he mumbled as he settled on the dirt ground and pushed at the collar around his bandaged throat. "I will be a misery to travel with if they don't. If they aren't gone, I might just stay in tonight. I can't risk injuring you or anyone else because of being slow."


clinically_nuts February 21 2010, 00:23:30 UTC
Sephiroth's movements slowed to a halt when it seemed that Cloud had walked far enough. A quick glance around showed them to be without others, and that in itself was enough. It felt like far too long since he'd last been left alone with Cloud, and as the blonde collapsed slowly down to the ground, Sephiroth couldn't help but watch the action.

"My place is at your side," The ex-General muttered quietly before he too crouched down and sat close beside Cloud. "If you wish to remain within your cell, then I will be there to protect you."


some0nes_hero February 21 2010, 00:27:44 UTC
Looking over when Sephiroth made motions to sit down, Cloud waited until the ex-General had settled down on the ground before he shifted over so that he could lean his weight on Sephiroth's arm. He didn't want to risk accidentally falling backwards, not when Sephiroth provided such a steady weight.

"You don't have anything that you want to do? You can have your collar off and over the wall," he murmured, casting a small look to Sephiroth. "Do you think the cells are safe overnight? I don't see why we would be attacked in the one safe place of ours."


clinically_nuts February 21 2010, 00:38:15 UTC
He pulled his arm away as Cloud moved to lean against him. Shifting it back, Sephiroth slipped it around the blonde's shoulders instead. The gesture was bold, he knew, but at this point he simply didn't care.

"Your safety is more important than anything else," Sephiroth quietly said before leaning in to press his lips lightly to the blonde's temple, "Whether they are safe or not hardly matters - I will not leave your side."


some0nes_hero February 21 2010, 00:43:34 UTC
He stiffened when Sephiroth's arm went around his shoulders, not expecting the gesture at all. He looked over to Sephiroth slowly, noting the hint of not caring and then simply leaned heavily on the ex-General. He wasn't about to deny an open spot to lean when all he wanted to do was lay his head down for awhile.

His eyes closed again when he felt Sephiroth's lips against his temple, not entirely certain why the silver-haired man was being so bold. "You've become very dedicated to attempting to keep me healthy. I don't think I help all that much," he murmured.


clinically_nuts February 21 2010, 00:48:23 UTC
Sephiroth felt the tightness of the muscles beneath his touch and almost contemplated withdrawing it all together. Yet as the blonde beside him relaxed, the ex-General kept his hold in place.

Cloud's words left him falling silent as they ran through his mind. He knew well the reasons behind his dedication, but admitting to them all was something Sephiroth simply held no desire to do.

"You made me a promise," He found himself softly muttering while glancing over to Cloud, "And I intend to make certain that you can keep it."


some0nes_hero February 21 2010, 00:57:40 UTC
Still leaning on Sephiroth, Cloud waited for something witty to be said about his comment. It didn't come, and the corner of his lips quirked when there was only silent. He knew that there was something going on within Sephiroth's mind, but he doubted that he would be informed on what that would be for awhile.

"Ah, I did," he replied simply, shifting his head so that his cheek pressed against Sephiroth's jawline. "I will always keep my promises, you know. That's something that I'm good at." Of course, he needed to stay healthy enough to fulfill his end of that promise.


clinically_nuts February 21 2010, 01:05:56 UTC
There was a sense of relief washing through his system at hearing that simple reply. Despite everything that had happened, Cloud still wished to keep the promise that had been given. The thought caused the corner of his lips to upturn subtly as he felt the warm press of the blonde's cheek against his jawline.

"Aa, I do." His voice was quiet as he spoke, but the low level did little to hide the subtle smile that could be heard within the tone, "And I will continue to be by your side and protect you."


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