it must be Tuesday

May 03, 2005 15:04

The fact that it's only 3 o'clock is killing me slowly. The idea of sitting here for another two hours is not sitting well with me at all. I have nothing to do. That's not entirely true. I have little, annoying things to do that I don't want to do. It's the kind of work you just keep pushing off until you really need to do it ( Read more... )

tmi: health, goodies: icons, tv: gilmore girls

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Comments 24

slackerace May 3 2005, 20:12:33 UTC
I got so far behind on GG that I have just downloaded them and will have a marathon one weekend after the finale.

If you're bored, you should do research to see what resale is on the cars you are thinking about (,,, etc.). That way, you'll know which holds its value longer (and is thus a "better" car). Even if you never get rid of it, you will at least have a safe investment. I am afraid that the Scions depreciate like 50% in the first year. Obviously Toyotas hold value very well. My co-worker drove her Corolla for 19 years (it was a 1986 and she just got rid of it last month--we won't get into the fact that she makes 6 figures a year and the damn thing didn't have AC for the last 3 years and we live in NC...19 years!!) I have seen lots of really old ones on the road, which is a good sign.

Oh, and YAY Heather icons. I miss them so.


heather13 May 4 2005, 18:23:21 UTC
Have fun with the marathon! Sounds like a great way to spend a weekend :)

I have researched until the cows came home. Every consumer review, product review, gas mileage, crash worthiness, etc...I've done it all. So much so I thought my head was going to explode from the intake of information. But it has definitely been interesting. Especially when you do the comparison shopping and can see just how much you get for one and not the other.

Thanks for the tip on the Corolla. It's definitely making it's way up the list. I'm surprised the Scions depreciate that much. I think maybe because it's only been out for a year and no one really knows how well they will hold up in the long run. But I figured they're essentially by Toyota so they may be worth it. Apparently, the tires that come on it, suck and need to be replaced within a year or two. (See, too much research!)


jainaj May 3 2005, 20:18:20 UTC
The Mazda 3 makes me drool like anything, the hatchback. Such a gorgeous car. Something i'd love to own ... as is the ford focus, the new one. I love the new design, and with a decent engine in it ... it can go. I'll shut up now, with an older brother i tend to talk cars A LOT.


heather13 May 4 2005, 18:24:51 UTC
Great minds think alike! The Mazda 3 is beautiful. The Focus has definitely come a long way since its inception. My boy talks about cars all the time. Now that I'm thinking about buying one, it's all I can do to shut him up. Men and their cars...silly.


jainaj May 4 2005, 20:59:48 UTC
Focus is great, because it's a nice little sporty thing, but got bags of room for a bunch of friends too. Nice compromise.

God my brother wails on and on about cars... i've learnt to just nod and smile.


kimbrchick May 3 2005, 20:38:02 UTC
I agree with you on GG. I hadn't really thought about it before but Kirk has been in a lot of episodes lately. It used to be just quirky appearances, but now it's all the time. I still love the show but it's different lately.

Good luck car shopping. :)


heather13 May 4 2005, 18:26:14 UTC
The show has definitely been different lately. I can't quite put my finger on it but something seems off. And I'm reading around and everyone's yay Gilmore for being back on track and I'm thinking wasn't it on track and now it's off?

Thanks :)


__tiana__ May 4 2005, 00:35:22 UTC
I have a red Mazda3 hatchback I bought last summer and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this car. It's fantastic, cute, useful, sporty, fast and an absolute dream to drive. I drive it in traffic, on road trips and just around town and it reacts well to all of it. I have not had to have anything done to it besides oil changes and I've had it for 10 months. I highly recommend it - and definitely the hatchback over the sedan, hands down. :)


heather13 May 4 2005, 18:28:08 UTC
You have the Mazda3 hatchback?!? My ex had one and I drove his when he would be too drunk to drive home and it was awesome. It's definitely tied with the Matrix for which are I really want to buy. Plus, I think it's about $1-2,000 cheaper than the Matrix.

Thanks for letting me know, Tiana! I will be put a big gold star next to the Mazda on my chart :)


__tiana__ May 7 2005, 02:09:59 UTC
Glad I could help! And seriously, I am in love with my car. It was six months before I let anyone else drive it...and only with me in the car. :) I make up reasons to drive places sometimes. Like, a movie I want to see is playing three miles away, but I go to the theater 20 miles away just to drive there. HEE. I actually was choosing between the Matrix and the Mazda3 myself. I test drove a Matrix and thought it was not bad, but then I drove the Mazda3 and I was in loooove.

Good luck with whatever you choose! :)


isabellecs May 4 2005, 02:44:53 UTC
I dont know much about cars but my father does - I would stick with Japanesse cars; Toyota, Honda & Nissan. ;) I have a 99 Corolla which I am soon replacing with a Scion tC (which is owned & designed with Toyota) and I can honestly say that the aside from the casual tire replacement I haven't had trouble at all. :)

Do not go for a Ford; they tend to have bad transmission after the 75k mark. :)


heather13 May 4 2005, 18:30:38 UTC
Is! So nice to see you :) Hope you are well.

You're getting the Scion? *swoon* It's gorgeous and the moonroof and the lights and all the goodies? Bootiful. Let me know how that goes for you.

Corolla is getting lots of thumbs-up so they're moving up in the ranks. And I don't want to buy another American car. I think a lot of them start to crap out around 75K (mine is starting to rattle and hum and not in a good way).


isabellecs May 4 2005, 18:38:14 UTC
This is a sad situation for the American Car Motors because they were regarded as the best in show - it wasn't until 1981 when they started replacing the parts inside the GMC/Ford motors for more economical parts- usually imported. What happened right about that time is that Toyota and Honda came into the market and made small-cheap cars that were affordable for poor people; the original Camry & Corolla were small little things but the Japanesse kept in mind that if they were making cars for poor people these people couldn't afford for them to break down and keep buying parts; as the years went by the Japanesse kept their good parts and started charging more for their cars; bouncing into the Luxury car market while the American Motors kept trying to find ways to bring more innexpensive pieces into their timeless cars (like Mustangs, El Dorado, Lincoln). What now happens is that the American motors tries to keep their prices as if their cars hold expensive parts inside of them but in truth you have serious problems with the ( ... )


heather13 May 5 2005, 14:14:03 UTC
You are just a font of knowledge!

Whenever I tell my grandfather this: Another interesting tidbit is that although Toyota, Honda & Nissan are considered "imports" - they are actually asembled in the USA with their parts brought overseas...he just freaks out and doesn't believe me. Then I have to remind him to step out of 1952 and things are just different now.


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