it must be Tuesday

May 03, 2005 15:04

The fact that it's only 3 o'clock is killing me slowly. The idea of sitting here for another two hours is not sitting well with me at all. I have nothing to do. That's not entirely true. I have little, annoying things to do that I don't want to do. It's the kind of work you just keep pushing off until you really need to do it.

So, I have one more car payment and then I'm done. I'm very excited. I want to buy a new car like yesterday but I definitely want to save up and be able to buy what I want. And so in my boredom, I will bore you and show you my pretty cars. If anyone has/had any of these or if you've heard anything good/bad, please let me know as I am keeping track until I can finally make up my mind.

1. Jeep Liberty: I love this thing more than words. I can't afford it. Can't even afford the used and if I actually could work it, I probably couldn't afford the gas to go in it. Le sigh. I know all this, yet I can't take it off my list.
2. Toyota Matrix: I keep getting funny looks when I say this and a "Why?" but I like it. Also, a bit pricey but we'll see.
3. Mazda 3: The hatchback, definitely (I have a thing for them) but the sedan is cheaper.
4. Scion tc: It's purty. That's it. It's 2 doors which I'm hesitant about only because 4 makes me feel more comfortable. Also, I plan on having this car for another 5 years and as I said to D., I hope something has changed in my life in 5 years that a 2 door car wouldn't be practical.
5. Ford Focus: The obvious practical choice but I also like it. Kind of. It has definitely improved over the last few years and it's not so bubbly (this coming from the girl who loves a hatchback...) Definitely the best brochure I've received so far that actually tells you something.
6. Toyota Corolla: Another safe choice but I do like this one, too, for the most part. I saw one the other day and it looked more like the old Jetta, which is great (the new Jetta is just blech).

There are two others, but I don't even think they're worth the mention as I'm not seriously considering them anymore. Especially after I got the brochure. I'm a brochure whore. Of course, I won't know anything until I test drive them and get a better feel for them, which is a ways away but I like to look. And like I said, if you have any additions or comments about one listed, please let me know. Consumer feedback is always a plus! :)

I went to the doctor's the other day and after a year and then some, my iron is finally back to normal. I still have to have the daily intake of iron but I no longer have to take 3 pills a day which I'm excited about as it made me feel so gross.

Tonight, I'm going to work on some Felicity and Alias icons, I think and of course, watch GG. Is it me or does anyone else feel there is just too much Kirk lately? I love the guy but he's sort of the Andrew or Harmony of Gilmore Girls. I can take him in small doses and lately, he's in every episode and he's just not as funny or quirky as he once was. Now it's like they have to make him overly quirky and that grates on me. It's why I loved the show to begin with. The town was this great backdrop with all these weirdos that I love. You don't see Miss Patty, Taylor and Babette in every episode (I wish we would see more of them, actually. I miss Babette!) Anyhoo, a new GG makes me a happy camper.

tmi: health, goodies: icons, tv: gilmore girls

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