Human again - I need a drink (OTA)

Nov 19, 2011 20:16

Damon still had no idea what was going on. Last he'd known, he'd been in Florence, trying to figure out how to get Katherine away from Stefan's courtship and into his bed. Or on his arm. Maybe his father was right about some things--at least so far as making sure Guiseppe never cut off his allowance--and he should consider settling down. Wherein ( Read more... )

cedric diggory, age!plot, the black sheep

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Comments 351

istillfeelempty November 20 2011, 01:22:46 UTC
Hanging out in a pub despite being under-aged wasn't at all new to Jeremy. No one really said anything about it before and it didn't seem they were going to bust him now. Probably because he wasn't actually trying to drink anything harder than soda but whatever.

He had been sitting at a nearby table when he spotted Damon and he considered whether to approach the vampire or not. He had been told that this Damon wasn't from his world but that didn't much matter.

So, finally, he rose to his feet and walked over. "Hey, Damon."


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 01:56:54 UTC
Damon looked up at the boy when he approached. He looked about Stefan's age, maybe a little younger, but he wasn't familiar, at all.

"Do I know you?" The Italian accent that was always there, in his world, was a little stronger, now.


istillfeelempty November 20 2011, 02:09:40 UTC
"Not here, no." Jeremy didn't notice yet that there was anything different about Damon beyond what he had been told. So he didn't clue in to the fact that Damon had been affected by the strange events of the weekend.

"I'm Jeremy Gilbert." He offered his hand.


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 02:13:16 UTC
Damon wasn't quite sure what to do with the proffered hand, but he took it a little warily.

"Damon Salvatore, though you seem to know that already somehow..."


pushyagain November 20 2011, 02:35:55 UTC
Anna was still trying to wrap her head around being in a place that could see her. Part of that was hanging out in places where there were lots of people and a pub was one of those.

It took an instant for her eyes to easily adjust to the different lighting and as they did, her dark eyes lit on a familiar form. Anna blinked in surprise.



prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 03:01:22 UTC
Damon looked up when he heard his name, head tilting as he looked over the girl. Whatever this place was, he still wasn't sure how he felt about the way people were dressing--his own clothes chafed, and he was fairly certain Katherine had tricked him into wearing something even his valet wouldn't wear.

But the girl was pretty and his wine was good, and things were looking a bit up, so he nodded slightly. "Do I know you?"


pushyagain November 20 2011, 04:06:51 UTC
She would have thought doppleganger but he'd responded to the name Damon. What was going on? "It's me, Anna. You know the vampire you watched John Gilbert stake." Which how she'd come to be alive again in the village she had no clue at all. Not that she was complaining.


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 04:14:15 UTC
Damon had no idea who John Gilbert was, but his eyes widened a bit as she explained who she was, and he looked at her with more interest.

"You're a vampire?"


like_vanhelsing November 20 2011, 03:04:07 UTC
Ric walked into the pub because his usual haunts were places where he was persona non-grata. Even though it was self imposed because he was half avoiding talking to Damon about Halloween, and being anywhere near the vampire club where he'd had a bender.

But Elijah (and Klaus) being some 500 years younger than usual was screwing with his head and he needed a drink.

He glanced around and swore when he saw his friend but walked over anyway and sat down next to him gesturing to the bartender for two of whatever Damon was drinking.

"Fancy running into you here."


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 03:08:56 UTC
Damon looked up when the man just sat down at his table without asking, frowning slightly. When he spoke that way, though, as if he knew him, he found something disturbing finally running through him.

Too many people. Too many holes he couldn't fill.

What if Katherine was telling the truth?

It was too bizarre to believe though, so he asked the question he seemed to be asking a lot tonight.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"


like_vanhelsing November 20 2011, 03:29:38 UTC
He frowned and then looked at his friend, really looked. Then he swore.

"Shit not you too." He was torn between being bothered by the fact that Damon didn't know him, again and that relieved that at least they wouldn't have to talk about Halloween.

"Alaric, we're friends. Or.. we will be."


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 03:58:41 UTC
Damon flinched just slightly at the swearing, though mostly in confusion at the sudden outburst.

He frowned. "Explain yourself."


wru_andalasia November 20 2011, 03:21:28 UTC
Giselle was moving through the streets for a walk when she spotted Damon walking into a building. She didn't know what the building was, but she rushed to follow him in. She was wearing a light purple dress, lavender cardigan on over it. It was chilly outside, surely, but her walk had meant to be brief so she hadn't let it bother her.

When she got there, he was sitting down and looking around the room with an expression that she didn't think looked very Damon-like at all. Shrugging off a frown, she moved to sit down at his table.

"Hi, Damon, how are you today?" She asked cheerfully, smiling, greeting him like she might any other time they'd randomly run into another.


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 04:01:52 UTC
She was a pretty--if vivacious--girl, if a little forward. He wasn't used to girls besides whores just plopping down near him.

"...Do I know you?"

He was getting a bit tired of asking that question.


wru_andalasia November 20 2011, 04:34:54 UTC
Giselle tilted her head at him, nose crinkling a teeny bit. She frowned, mouth opening for a moment then closing. With a little blink, she shook her head softly.

"Of course you know me. It's Gise-Wait." Her hands slapped lightly against the top of the table, resting there. "You are Damon Salvatore, right?" Her eyes widened a little bit. She knew that people's faces could be copied sometimes, twins running around the village--though, she hadn't met any of them.


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 04:41:25 UTC
"I am," he confirmed, frowning a little. "....But I do not know you."


evenprettydead November 27 2011, 05:42:03 UTC
Cedric wasn't much of a drinker, but gotten an appreciation for going to places where he hadn't been previously. If nothing else, there just weren't many places to go in the village. He wasn't all tarted up as he had been over at the vampire bar, but had settled on some slacks and a Hufflepuff tunic.

He was a bit surprised to see Damon at a table here, rather than P3 or Fangtasia, but then the vampire was always a welcome sight.

"Hullo there, handsome. Mind if I join you?" It looked like Damon was drinking alone again - a sure sign that the vampire was in a mood of some sort.


prodigalsavior November 27 2011, 17:50:23 UTC
Damon looked up at the young man without a flicker of recognition, but he smiled slightly at the sight of him. He was handsome, and Damon never minded spending time with a handsome young man.

"By all means," he said, waving at the other seat. After everything, he really could use some distracting company.


evenprettydead November 27 2011, 22:24:44 UTC
Cedric grinned, taking a seat. "So, how've you been keeping? Not caught up in this latest nonsense, I see?" He'd not failed to notice the various changes going on - the village powers seemed to be having their fun once again.


prodigalsavior November 28 2011, 03:05:34 UTC
Damon frowned a bit. He'd been fine with the handsome boy sitting down, but now he was speaking as if they were friends instead of doing a get to know you sort of chat.

"I'm sorry...have we met?"


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