Human again - I need a drink (OTA)

Nov 19, 2011 20:16

Damon still had no idea what was going on. Last he'd known, he'd been in Florence, trying to figure out how to get Katherine away from Stefan's courtship and into his bed. Or on his arm. Maybe his father was right about some things--at least so far as making sure Guiseppe never cut off his allowance--and he should consider settling down. Wherein ( Read more... )

cedric diggory, age!plot, the black sheep

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wru_andalasia November 20 2011, 03:21:28 UTC
Giselle was moving through the streets for a walk when she spotted Damon walking into a building. She didn't know what the building was, but she rushed to follow him in. She was wearing a light purple dress, lavender cardigan on over it. It was chilly outside, surely, but her walk had meant to be brief so she hadn't let it bother her.

When she got there, he was sitting down and looking around the room with an expression that she didn't think looked very Damon-like at all. Shrugging off a frown, she moved to sit down at his table.

"Hi, Damon, how are you today?" She asked cheerfully, smiling, greeting him like she might any other time they'd randomly run into another.


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 04:01:52 UTC
She was a pretty--if vivacious--girl, if a little forward. He wasn't used to girls besides whores just plopping down near him.

"...Do I know you?"

He was getting a bit tired of asking that question.


wru_andalasia November 20 2011, 04:34:54 UTC
Giselle tilted her head at him, nose crinkling a teeny bit. She frowned, mouth opening for a moment then closing. With a little blink, she shook her head softly.

"Of course you know me. It's Gise-Wait." Her hands slapped lightly against the top of the table, resting there. "You are Damon Salvatore, right?" Her eyes widened a little bit. She knew that people's faces could be copied sometimes, twins running around the village--though, she hadn't met any of them.


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 04:41:25 UTC
"I am," he confirmed, frowning a little. "....But I do not know you."


wru_andalasia November 20 2011, 04:57:58 UTC
"I'm Giselle," she offered, giving him a smile, the expression fading a little. "We've known each other for years. I've even met your brother, Stefan, before.

"You really don't recognize me?" Hurt flashed through her eyes. "Is...there something wrong? Do you not remember any of the people you've met here?"


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 05:01:39 UTC
"I'm terribly sorry you've had the misfortune of being subjected to Stefan," Damon said. "And I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Giselle, but no...I do not recognize you." He gave her a charming smile. "Don't take it amiss, though--I do not know anyone here, no. As far as I know, I just arrived."

Though Katherine had been insistent that he had been here for two years, which was absurd.


wru_andalasia November 20 2011, 05:29:10 UTC
Giselle blinked, confused at the first statement. There hadn't been anything wrong with Stefan, other than that he and Damon seemed to have a rocky relationship.

She was grateful when he smiled, apologizing and sweeping the hurt away from her heart. It was really a very easy task for Damon to complete, when she cared for him so dearly. "Have you seen your brother, or anyone else who may have claimed to know you yet? It would be good for them to know that you left and came back."

She nibbled on her bottom lip for a second. "I promise, you were here for a long while before. We were very good friends." Only to Damon could Giselle have put emphasis on any word and express that she meant they'd been intimate.

"What do you remember before you showed up here?" She would go along with whatever he said, as always, believing that he really had left and came back.


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 06:44:26 UTC
"My brother is here, and seemingly just as confused as I," Damon admitted. "And a...friend of ours from home--Katherine."

He wasn't quite sure what else to say about that, and even with his not full command of the vernacular, he understood her emphasis. It made him smile.

"I was out at a tavern in Florence....and that, I'm afraid is all."


wru_andalasia November 20 2011, 07:04:53 UTC
Giselle hadn't heard the name Katherine, but her eyes saddened slightly at the idea of Stefan being confused too. "I'm sorry, that you're both confused about being here. Has anyone told you what this place, the village, is?" Damon had always appeared strong to her, so perhaps he ventured off to have a drink by himself and was still confused.

She really was still all smiles, her eyes showing a shift in emotion if there was one.

"And where is 'Florence?'" Damon might have referred to the city before, most likely to having been from Italy, but the specific name didn't register in Giselle's memory.


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 07:09:51 UTC
"Somewhat," Damon said. "Katherine attempted to explain." he gave her a wry smile. "To be fair, I wasn't really listening."

Not with Stefan all....naked and having been sleeping pressed close to him when he awakened.

"Florence is in Italy. It's my home."


wru_andalasia November 20 2011, 07:23:11 UTC
"Did you want to know?" Giselle asked, willing to explain, but only if Damon wanted her to. It didn't matter if they both thought that this wasn't her Damon, she was still loyal and obedient to him.

"Oh! Yes, I remember you mentioned you were from there." Her lips pursed slightly. "But that's before you were..." a vampire, but her eyes grew and it clicked that maybe this Damon wasn't a vampire at all.

She leaned in toward him, rising off her chair, and said very, very softly, "Damon...are you a...vampire?"

She gave him a dead-serious look, not expecting him to lash out or be angry that she'd asked. She was being discreet after all, whispering and everything!


prodigalsavior November 20 2011, 18:00:51 UTC
"I want to drink." Knowing hurt his head. Knowing meant he had to think about things he didn't want to think about because they twisted his view of the world all up and around and made him feel sick to not know what was going on in his life, or who he was.

He stared at her at her question. "...I am not a vampire." Katherine was, but he didn't know this girl to tell her that, and why would she ask it?


wru_andalasia November 21 2011, 01:59:36 UTC
She accepted that answer. If he had questions, she'd answer them.

Giselle leaned back when he answered, making no effort to hide her frown. "Oh, okay." That was certainly a disappointment. Damon had to be a vampire. She tilted her head a little bit. "Are you sure you're not? Maybe could have forgotten." She really just wanted him to be a vampire, to make the growing, unsettling weight in her chest go away.


prodigalsavior November 21 2011, 03:55:59 UTC
He gave her a slightly disbelieving look. "I'm very certain of it, yes. I'm human."

He wanted to be one, yes, but he hadn't gotten there, yet.


wru_andalasia November 21 2011, 05:30:42 UTC
Giselle leaned back in her chair, looking glum. Her arms crossed loosely over her stomach. Damon had likely never seen her look like she did: hopelessly disappointed.

"That doesn't seem very fair." What? She thought that he liked being a vampire, and she sure as hell knew that she liked it.


prodigalsavior November 22 2011, 19:42:14 UTC
"...Why not?" Damon wanted to be a vampire, sure, but this girl seemed to be taking it awfully hard.


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