This is the kind of response I was hoping for. Wow and thanks. I want to know what way do you think it is 'a class thing' for you? And what do you mean when you say: "I wonder if this is in large part about academic work though. I think it sets up a dichotomy that shouldn't necessarily be present for those of us who do "caring" or "no harm (am I using this term correctly?)" work for a living."
labour like an orchidexactorboxJune 16 2005, 20:23:00 UTC
What I mean about the academic thing is that generally femaleness and class conspire to make sure that we only do caring, selfless work. (i.e. outreach/support, teaching, etc) It means that we don't look for or receive recognition or support, and that we quietly go about these things, whether at work, supporting a partner, being a housewife, etc
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Re: labour like a falling househeart_howlJune 16 2005, 23:21:52 UTC
Do you mean that academia is pretty much the only place where we get that kind of feedback and recognition of our work/smarts/politics, so it is uncomfortable and alien to us (thus feeling like impostors)? and then, because it is separate from the other things we do and because that kind of evaluation is implicit in schooling but not in other domains, we are not learning how to transfer that (self or external) evaluation/recognition in the other parts of our lives
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I am reminded of a conversation we once had where we were talking about this shift in your life, of you being "tired of being an activist within academia" and beyond, and realizing that the time you spend loving the people in your life is just as (or more) valuable than endless political organizing. This I think is part of discarding that internalized undermining of our lives and realizing, like you just said, that what we do in our lives is important
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I always question the value of the things I do. I really value living in line with one's values and so I'm always checking to make sure what I'm doing is in line with my personal sense of justice. I've been trying to let go of that a little and just live and love and play...but then, I am afraid of all the awful stuff that is justified by "just trying to live". I don't know. I go back and forth on this one, trying to figure out a way to relax and not let it all go to shit.
this is perfect timing for me: calling all gender theoristslow_femmeJune 17 2005, 10:54:13 UTC
Funny you should ask me to check out this post. This is entirely related to the my Autralian research results I'm trying to interpret. I'm working to deadline for Sunday and anyone's input on this would be very helpful
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Comments 13
Is it possible to just live without placing value on actions? Just living and loving and having fun should be an end in itself.
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