The 2013 Harry/Draco Art Fest Reveal!

Dec 06, 2013 10:49

First, before we get to The Big Reveal, the results from the Guessing Poll have been tallied... and we have a WINNER!!

*\o/* Congratulations to birdsofshore for matching 29 pieces of art with the correct artist!! *\o/* You will get to submit an extra prompt in next year's Art Fest! *throws confetti* We also had a second-place tie that deserves an honorable mention. Yay for kalime80 and iwao who each matched 24 artists correctly! You three really KNOW YOUR ARTISTS!! :DD

Now, here are our 2013 H/D Art Fest artists...

1. brinimc drew It Ends With Us (PG-13)

2. stellamoon drew Lover (R)

3. kalime80 drew I dreamt of a thousand scales, and it was you (NC-17)

4. edelau drew Alive (PG)

5. dannyfranx drew The needs of the beetle out weigh the needs of the man (G)

6. pinkelephant42 drew Winter Romance (G)

7. naadi drew Please Say You’ll Spend Eternity With Me, Dear (G)

8. leochi drew A Study in Contrasts (PG)

9. The_artist_who_was_never_here_;-) drew Cold Comfort (G)

10. iwao drew Blood Quill (G)

11. sanrodri drew Quidditch Showers (R)

12. dysonrules drew Slytherin Homework (NC-17)

13. yumekutteikt drew The Sleeping Beauty (G)

14. lokeloke drew Hundred Times (R)

15. sugareey drew Seeker Games (PG)

16. furere22 drew Sonata in D(rarry) Major (PG)

17. isinuyasha drew May I have this dance? (PG)

18. naadi drew At the End of All Our Games (PG-13)

19. meteobreak drew Dawning (G)

20. writcraft drew Forget Me Not (R)

21. mayfly_78 drew At the Station (PG-13)

22. saras_girl drew Serpentine (R)

23. iwao drew With my body, I thee worship (NC-17)

24. edelau created Torture (PG-13)

25. veridari drew Not in Front of the Baby (G)

26. naturegirlrocks drew Hello Kitten (R)

27. decynthus drew/iced Threads of Magic (G)

28. nobunakira drew Your hands and his hair (Third year story) (PG)

29. dannyfranx drew Exposure to Morning Light (R)

30. __hibiscus drew Typewriter (PG)

31. iwao drew Sweeter than strawberries (NC-17)

32. phoenixacid drew In My Veins (G)

33. naadi drew Visiting Harry (PG)

Again, thank you to everyone who submitted such wonderful and creative prompts, everyone who pimped on your LJ's, comms and newsletters, everyone who recced your favorites to spread the love, and everyone who commented on the fabulous pieces of art submitted. Without your contributions, the 6th Annual Harry/Draco Art Fest wouldn't have been such a success!

Of course, a HUGE thank you goes out to all the artists who spent their time and energy to give us such a wide array of fabulous H/D artwork! You guys are amazing!

A special thank you to our pinch-hitters, iwao, phoenixacid, and naadi, who stepped up very last minute to pick up dropped prompts. <333

And thanks again to winter_june & naadi for creating our fabulous banners!

And remember, just because the fest is over, it doesn't mean the art will end! Continue to check the comm for the wonderful art being posted every day!

Hope to see you again next year!

♥ ♥ ♥ The HD Fanart Mods ♥ ♥ ♥

!mod post, art fest-2013, art fest-reveal, art fest info

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