yumekutteiktTitle: The Sleeping Beauty
Media: Digital
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Notes: When Draco fell into the curse of centuries-long sleep, Harry didn't hesitate to go after him. (Dear prompter, thank you for your fantastic prompt and also your generous comment, as I apparently took liberty of it.^^;)
Prompt: #14 submitted by
queenie_mab Time-period or theme: Far distant future
Place: Wizarding world.. could be Hogwarts/Malfoy Manor, MOM, St Mungo's any place.
Emotion: loss, reminiscence
Sense: inability to change/adapt, sensory deprivation related to that.
Object: mouldy lace, trinkets, tapestry
Action: Though the years pass, Harry and/or Draco never change(s). He/they could be the form of a ghost, a portrait, a drinker of the draught of eternal life, a person with a horcrux... whatever the reason, I'd like to see time pass while he/they remain(s) forever a relic from the past. Perhaps his/their eternity is spent watching their/the other's descendants flourish or flounder with the passing years.
Mood: angst
Maximum rating: as high as you'd like
Squicks: none
Disclaimer: This artwork is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros. Inc. No money is being made, no copyright or trademark infringement, or offence is intended. All characters depicted in sexual situations are above the age of consent.
The Sleeping Beauty
This artwork is the sole property of the artist who created it.
Please do not use it, in whole or in part, without the expressed consent of the artist.