30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 15

Jul 08, 2010 17:14

15. Midway question! Tell us about a writer you admire, whether professional or not!

Umm. Ok. Questions like this are always hard, because I need a little more direction like than that, generally speaking. There's a lot of writers I like for a variety of reasons, who garner my admiration in different ways.

I suppose my first love is always going to be Neil Gaiman. I mean yeah, ok, I read Tolkien and Lewiss and Robert Jordan and a bunch of other things before, but Gaiman's Sandman was my epiphany. It reminded me what it was to dream, to imagine. I've said it before, it was reading Sandman that reminded me I wanted to write stories. Forever. And the way he talks about writing, and reading, and imagining, and everything.... yes.

I would also be remiss if I didn't mention John Rogers. Sure, the man does TV. But that makes him no less of an amazing writer and story teller. I've learned a lot from the way he interacts with fans, and the way he breaks down talking about every episode of Leverage. Like the movement of story telling and the importance of acts and pacing - that's not something that had really come up in the creative writing classes I'd taken. I like that he makes me think, that he's making me consider more of the process, of the sacrifice that telling a story in a specific medium can have on the story. It makes me thankful for the freedoms I have (I never have to worry about not having a character available, for example) and mindful of the things I don't have at my disposal (the emotion of a single expression set to the right soundtrack).

As for non-professional? Hands down, caarirose. I have a lot of really good friends who are really good writers, so nobody go feeling miffed or hurt or whatever because I wouldn't prompt the hell out of the lot of you and enable shit if I didn't love every word I got. But when it comes to Caari there are days I have no idea why she's never been published. And I don't even read as much of her stuff as I should, but that's because I know she's going to break my heart into teeny tiny itty bitty pieces and I have got the strangest relationship with angst ever. Every character is gorgeously crafted, every plot, no matter how sad, no matter how broken is so goddamn satisfying it almost hurts. There's no not seeing exactly what's going on... Just. Yes. :smishes her up: (And I know you have a love/hate relationship with your writing, darlin', but god, it really is amazing.)

30 days of writing, meme

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