30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 15

Jul 08, 2010 17:14

15. Midway question! Tell us about a writer you admire, whether professional or not!Umm. Ok. Questions like this are always hard, because I need a little more direction like than that, generally speaking. There's a lot of writers I like for a variety of reasons, who garner my admiration in different ways ( Read more... )

30 days of writing, meme

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Comments 2

elebridith July 9 2010, 07:36:36 UTC
I second the mention of caarirose!*nods* And everything you said about her fics, especially the breaking. I remember crying like a baby for fifteen minutes after reading one of her stories. And that doesn't happen very often, believe me!


caarirose July 9 2010, 10:04:27 UTC
*cuddle love*

You know I'd probably argue the point, but I won't. I'll just say thank you and you're a sweetheart.


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