The SSHG Award Nomations Are Up!

Apr 01, 2008 11:56

The sshg_awards nominations were just posted-and I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate the nominees on my f-list. You are going to make it very, very hard to vote. VERY. Just the thought of voting for shorts is making me want to cry...

drmm’s “Forgive Us Our Debts” broke my heart and almost made me cry.
warded_portal’s “Sanctuary” is damn sexy with a line (“What ( Read more... )

ss/hg, fandom

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Comments 28

mundungus42 April 1 2008, 16:09:29 UTC
No idea how I'm expected for vote for myself in this lot. :D


harmony_bites April 1 2008, 16:11:15 UTC
There are a few cases--a *few* (like btw, To Make Much of Time in Adventure) where I know what I'm voting for--but otherwise, with the exception of maybe two other categories, I'm facing a choice that makes the presidential elections look simple...


lifeasanamazon April 1 2008, 16:34:49 UTC
It's almost an impossible choice. Such good stuff in there.


harmony_bites April 1 2008, 16:45:07 UTC
I'm really having a hard time. There are a FEW categories--exactly two actually (adventure and epic) where I immediately knew what I'd choose.

But really, there were a lot of very pleasant surprises. I only recently discovered arsenicjade and the few reviews Arsenic gets on her site are obscenely low. I hadn't heard much about Kailin, either. I nominated both resigned neither would make it, not being among the usual suspects, so imagine my squee at seeing them recognized.

Except it made my next choices--how to vote--even harder.


lifeasanamazon April 1 2008, 17:54:32 UTC
Arsenic is one of my absolutely favourite authors - and a real sweetheart to boot. No sense of entitlement there. I'm especially chuffed because the fic that is nominated was a gift for me.

Kailin's work I've always loved. Another really good and reliable author who seems happy to stand on the edges of fandom and do her own sweet thing.

We are spoilt for choice. What a fantastic position to be in.


harmony_bites April 1 2008, 17:57:53 UTC
It's nice when talented authors are also good people, without that sense of entitlement and only good associations to be made with their fic. I'm just so glad to see Arsenic recognized--that she might realize people do appreciate her in the ship. Ditto Kailin.

We are spoilt for choice. What a fantastic position to be in.

Well...except... ::eyes the nominations--tries to choose--whimpers and dawdles some more::


mollyssister April 1 2008, 16:36:59 UTC
I am working on my votes. I have most narrowed down to 2 choices. I think a reread would be most fair. Voting is going to physically HURT I just know it.


harmony_bites April 1 2008, 16:40:53 UTC
I tried to make a vote list when I saw the nominations--I stared at the nominations for Short fic and this sound like a whimper came low in my throat.... Yeah, this is going to hurt...

But then, would it be better if it wasn't? If the ship was filled with crap and we all had easy choices? Or the choice was, oh, this is pretty mediocre, how do I choose among these?

So I should be happy--really. As soon as I decide whether I prefer my left leg or my right...


mollyssister April 1 2008, 16:51:33 UTC
Exactly! I went and voted at the Q2P awards which was much easier.

My goal for tonight is a reread of the drabbles and drabble series for the HG/SS awards. Thank goodness the votes are kept secret. I feel like I am betraying a friend when I have to choose! ugh!


silburygirl April 1 2008, 17:22:08 UTC
I’m supposed to choose one????

*weeps* I know!

And wholehearted nodding to everything else!


harmony_bites April 1 2008, 17:44:14 UTC
Gah. I look and look--and there are about 4 cats where I know for sure. And then others, I tell myself, just choose--and I do, and then I immediately second guess and...


silburygirl April 1 2008, 19:45:25 UTC
I'm glad that I'm nominated in a couple categories because it narrows down my choices (I refuse to vote for myself, and I think that there are more deserving options in both of the ones that I'm nominated in, so I won't skip them either). Otherwise, yeah... A couple are easy, but I might just draw straws on the others, because there is no way I can choose.


kribu April 1 2008, 17:34:56 UTC
There are a couple of categories where it's probably going to be relatively easy... but even with those, there are more I'd want to vote for. It seems there are at least two equal (for me) contenders in pretty much every category and more than that in most - and I haven't even read everything.

I should really use this month wisely and spend time reading (and re-reading, where necessary, especially for the shorter ones which are always harder for me to remember)... not that it's going to make the voting any easier!


harmony_bites April 1 2008, 18:00:48 UTC
Fortunately, given my recent Survey of Doom, I've tried all these fics I think--but that's not to say that makes my choices easy--in some ways it makes it harder. Some really wonderful fics are among these nominees--you're in for a treat, I think.


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