The SSHG Award Nomations Are Up!

Apr 01, 2008 11:56

The sshg_awards nominations were just posted-and I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate the nominees on my f-list. You are going to make it very, very hard to vote. VERY. Just the thought of voting for shorts is making me want to cry...

drmm’s “Forgive Us Our Debts” broke my heart and almost made me cry.
warded_portal’s “Sanctuary” is damn sexy with a line (“What say you?”) that sent a shiver down my spine.
bambu345’s “Fullness of Time” is of one the best, most stylish fics I’ve ever read-masterful use of omniscience.
melisande88’s, “The Bowtruckle War” is so damn charming.
And mundungus42’s “Down the Ferret Hole” damn clever.

I’m supposed to choose one????

I loved seeing well-loved favorites and not just celebrated but lesser-known names among the nominees. Would I have chosen all the nominees were it up to me? No. Were there some I wish had made it in not on the list? Sure. But the point of awards like these is that it doesn’t reflect just one person’s tastes-and the nominations and votes were, after all, open to all, and imo the rules simple and common-sensical (and openly debated and discussed). And yes, I can understand being disappointed, even hurt, about not being recognized yourself. But suck it up and try being happy for those so recognized that have given us stories to treasure.

I also want to take some time to thank sshg316 (Shug) for starting and running this. I ran an awards one round in Trek-I know it’s not easy and often a thankless task. Often the grapes, they are sour, and I wonder at times because of that if awards are a good thing-or rec sites. I know that to single some out, others aren’t, and that can cause resentment and backbiting that is ugly to see. I admire the grace and openness with which Shug and her helpers have run the awards to date, and with all the downsides, I think all in all it’s a good thing to recognize some of the best in our ship. It gives new readers a starting place and can help authors, especially newbies, feel appreciated. I wish her and the awards luck.

Look, awards, recs-even reviews-they’re a gift. You don’t demand them. You don’t carp about them. You appreciate them when you get them as the gift they are-and, when you don’t get nominated yourself, congratulate your friends with a light heart. That’s what it means to be part of a community of writers that support each other rather than tear each other down. There is no inalienable right to be fangirled. A JPEG isn’t worth losing a friendship over, nor making enemies.


ss/hg, fandom

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