
Mar 18, 2010 12:27

I'm feeling social today, even though I'm on an extended vacation from HP fandom and not sure if and when I'll ever be back, so I thought I'd share this recipe I tried for dinner last night as a way of saying "Hi, hope you're all well." The nefarious influence of silburygirl among others has led me to gain something of a taste for veggie goodness. (Oh, stop ( Read more... )


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Comments 32

scatteredlogic March 18 2010, 17:24:51 UTC
even though I'm on an extended vacation from HP fandom and not sure if and when I'll ever be back

~clings~ Cooooooome back! Coooooooome back!

Erm, and the recipe looks very good, too. ;)


harmony_bites March 18 2010, 17:35:18 UTC
Heh. I think I need a break--glutted. Part of it is I've had problems with the fandom for a long time. Add writer's block... But I always still loved reading it and sharing the love. Then I did some real life socializing recently that broke me of the regular habit and ( ... )


shiv5468 March 18 2010, 21:46:31 UTC
There's more to LJ than fanfic.

There's complaining about fandom burnout, for one. Nods. Or the telly. Or anything really.


harmony_bites March 18 2010, 22:21:19 UTC
Most people don't last more than a couple of years in a fandom, really. I'm overdue...


e_danae March 18 2010, 18:39:44 UTC
It's good to hear from you!

The recipe sounds yummy and I believe it can taste just right. Come more often, with or without another recipe ;)


harmony_bites March 18 2010, 22:26:03 UTC
Good to hear from you too! *clingz*


kellychambliss March 18 2010, 19:22:01 UTC
even though I'm on an extended vacation from HP fandom and not sure if and when I'll ever be back

Argh! I hate to hear this, and I do hope it's just temporary. But the lentils sound good, and you can always just drop into LJ to chat about whatever.

Are you going to give up KIA?


harmony_bites March 18 2010, 22:25:11 UTC
Not giving up KIA--and neither is Clare the owner despite her being on extended hiatus from the fandom herself because of baby. I think both of us dealt with enough opposition to KIA to be stubborn about it. LOL (In fact, I think the disappearance of that opposition is part of what has caused me to be less dedicated to the cause). But the site is still up there for those of you on staff that want to rec, I'm still adminning and will answer any questions, etc. I just can't guarantee I'll be reading (and thus reccing) in HP myself anymore.


kellychambliss March 18 2010, 23:12:58 UTC
Well, that's good to hear! My plan is that after April 15 (taxes, fest deadlines), I'm going to do at least one KIA rec a week, and I hope more.


harmony_bites March 19 2010, 04:14:04 UTC
I'd love to see lots of reccing goin' on!

We weren't always popular. Early on we were attacked by some we *didn't* rec and someone who was offended by a reservation within an otherwise glowing rec. We had someone report us to a fandom moderator site for "providing a portal to porn for minors" by that author since we link to fic, and she made and handed out anti-KIA icons--which just perversely made those of us involved more committed and step up the pace.

For quite a while now I haven't seen anything but good words said about us though, and those that attacked us early on have themselves mostly moved on, so I don't have the nah nah nah nah nah stick-out-the-tongue incentive.

But I'd like the site to thrive, it's just right now, especially after doing a spate of crack_broom reading and reccing, then stopping because I was too busy, I feel somewhat about HP fic the way someone feels about Turkey the day after Thanksgiving!


mundungus42 March 18 2010, 23:19:21 UTC
I have issues with lentils, but I'm delighted they did the trick for you! And I'd never heard of tempeh and wondered if it was something one fed to kittehs. But more importantly, HI!!!!

Even if you're not doing the fic thing, it's awfully nice to have you around! *hugs*


harmony_bites March 19 2010, 04:08:02 UTC
I didn't have lentils on hand, so I actually used a bean mix--so if you don't have issues with legumes in general, this might work with other beans or a mix of beens w/o lentils.

And I'd never heard of tempeh and wondered if it was something one fed to kittehs

Heh. I'd never heard of Seitan until a friend recently dragged me to a Vegan restaunt and I tried it--and was pleasantly surprised. What I do want to stay away from is anything trying to taste like meat really. I mean, what's the point of that? So no veggie burgers, bacon or sausage for me, but next month I going to try going meatless.

Even if you're not doing the fic thing, it's awfully nice to have you around! *hugs*

Awwwwww. *hugs back*


silburygirl March 19 2010, 02:43:53 UTC
Mmmmmmmm.... I bookmark this. And in exchange:

I made that a couple of days ago and it was amazing-buttery and rich, without anything to make the arteries weep in sight. Actually, I've never met a Post-Punk Kitchen recipe I didn't love. Because Isa Chandra Moskowitz is a goddess of awesome (and cheap) recipes.


harmony_bites March 19 2010, 04:21:06 UTC
Hmmm... the avocados are a bit high caloric, but does sound awfully tasty. Aiming for April since I thought I'd look up recipes and make up a draft meal plan, in season and everything--complicated since I'd like to try to lost some weight that month, not just be meat free or eat healthy.

I was surprised how good last night's dinner turned out which is why I shared. I didn't think, oh, this is OK, but I wish it were beef, you know? And if tasted like taco filling should--really worked.


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