Snermione Fic Rec: Camerado

Aug 28, 2009 06:09

MillieJoan, Camerado (R) 40,233 words
Publish Date: 5/26/09
Last Update: 8/14/09 (up to 8 chapters)
Genres: Drama, Romance, Friendship
Alt Link: (PG-13 version)
Summary: Hermione seeks knowledge from a reluctant Snape, in ( Read more... )

fic recs, ss/hg

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Comments 18

deeble August 29 2009, 01:08:32 UTC
I've really been enjoying Camerado, too -- I'm glad you recommended it so others will find their way there.


harmony_bites August 29 2009, 10:11:42 UTC
I hope so--I don't have as loud a megaphone as some and the story I think deserves readers--it's certainly better written and characterized than many a current WIP racking up reviews.


kribu August 29 2009, 09:56:46 UTC
I've been following it and rather liking it quite a bit, yes. Not been that good about reviewing though... hmpf, will try better once the next chapter gets posted.


harmony_bites August 29 2009, 10:27:54 UTC
The author is a newbie--first fanfic from an author's note--I think especially in that case it's a good thing to be encouraging, especially when they're in for the long haul with a WIP. I hope it does get more readership and reviews. (and that we'll soon get more chapters)


kribu August 29 2009, 10:40:25 UTC
I absolutely agree, and I generally do try to be encouraging with newer authors whose work I like - I suppose what made me less eager to leave reviews is not getting any response to the ones I did leave to start with. (I know, not a good reason to not continue, and it's not like I expect the author to respond, but leaving a review takes a whole lot of mental effort from me these days, and it's so much easier to just think "well, maybe next time I'll actually have something to say, and I'll leave a comment then"... *is a bad, bad reader*)


harmony_bites August 29 2009, 10:56:10 UTC
You might try reviewing on Ashwinder--its there too and I saw her responding to reviews there. I myself never respond to reviews on FFN. I just don't somehow like responding in a way that goes into someone's inbox that way when I don't "know" them, especially when my response to crit, unlike the review, isn't going to show up on the site itself--so that might be why she's not responding.


kribu August 29 2009, 10:08:08 UTC
Oh, and as for other more recent WIPs I've been following... hm, I recently started reading Acquittal, and have also been following The Last Spy, The Problem with Purity and Phoenix Tears with quite a bit of interest. I suppose one could find issues with all of those (and I know The Problem with Purity in particular has a lot of people, including me, grumbling about a lot of things, but I am loving it all the same), but these are the fics where I tend to bounce on the update as soon as it's posted (or as soon as I have the time to read).


harmony_bites August 29 2009, 10:24:21 UTC
The Last Spy is one of last year's, but yeah all the others are from the second year post-DH and I know all are pretty popular. Acquittal got praise from shiv5468, Phoenix Tears more than one rec on the fangirl_tour and I've seen The Problem with Purity rec'd everywhere. Each though just hasn't held me for various reasons.

My problems with Problem with Purity are just too numerous and were there from the start. It's well-written from what I did read so I can understand its popularity, especially in a year with (imho) so few good epic-sized ongoing stories in the ship--and I heard it has some really imaginative fantasy and magical elements. But I'm not wild about stories in which "purity" is something magical and I hate ones that ignore two books of canon. But especially my problem was with the Hermione and the Snape and the balance between. I know in canon Snape is a jerk, but if in a romance he doesn't have underlying virtues to balance his flaws, or you don't see growth, or there isn't an angle from which you can see his that from his point of view he ( ... )


kribu August 29 2009, 10:36:54 UTC
Oh yeah, I can absolutely see why those parts of Purity in particular would turn someone off ( ... )


harmony_bites August 29 2009, 10:49:25 UTC
I'm currently vacillating between hoping that Hermione will get to spend a lovely life on her own, surrounded by friends and cats, and that Severus will somehow come to his senses and that there'll actually be romance. I'm really just wanting to kick some sense into him.

I know some have complained there hasn't been all that much Snape period, that there seems more about Viktor. I have been won over by Snapes that repelled though. I know I at first backbuttoned Anna's Roman Holiday (which Purity has been compared to) after this ... well, molestation scene with Snape and Hermione. But others who I really, really respect raved about it, so pushing past that one scene, I found I really adored that story. At first I was squicked by Bloodcult's Snape in Tyger! Tyger! and positively repelled by the one in Seven Preposterious Things but Blood's prose is magical, her humor LOL-funny and the stories are just so-brim filled with exciting plot and imagination--and lo and behold (it took a long time) the Snape in 7PT grew on me ( ... )


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