Snermione Fic Rec: Camerado

Aug 28, 2009 06:09

MillieJoan, Camerado (R) 40,233 words
Publish Date: 5/26/09
Last Update: 8/14/09 (up to 8 chapters)
Genres: Drama, Romance, Friendship
Alt Link: (PG-13 version)
Summary: Hermione seeks knowledge from a reluctant Snape, in order to help the War effort. What she receives is more than either of them expected. Set beginning in Hermione's sixth year, continuing into a slightly AU post-DH era.

Yeah, I know, a WIP--but I can't tell you how long it has been since I found myself hooked by a good ongoing Snape/Hermione. This story is built around a similar premise to my own WIP, Book of Shadows, in that the story follows (so far) Half-Blood Prince canon (with the advantage of knowing Deathly Hallows) as well as it involving Snape teaching Hermione Occlumency--which, goodness knows, is a premise the story has in common with lots of SSHG post-Order of the Phoenix. I've read a lot of those--I tried to write one of those. That's one reason I think I can appreciate the skill here (and envy it more than a bit).

I like the way the author is using the Occlumency lessons in a way that lets Severus and Hermione begin to gain a knowledge, an intimacy with each other--without it being like all those stories about ooh now they know the other is perving on the other. And the theory and practice of Occlumency and Legilimency is well-described and thought out. If I have any concerns, it's that I have seen these kinds of scenes and themes in SSHG over and over again. I'm not sure feeling that way is the fault of the fic or my feeling a bit burned out in the ship--this one distinguishing itself from many another student/teacher-following-canon-fic depends on how the author develops the story from here.

I also really like the way the author has with Snape and Hermione both. Snape nicely biting and downright nasty at times, but with his thoughts and hints in his tone and gesture that make you understand the defensiveness underlying it. Nor is he prettified. Hermione hungry for knowledge but observant, thoughtful, rethinking Snape, but without it all coming across over the top or clichéd in her reactions: Mature but no Mary Sue, with more than a hint of her canon ruthlessness. Dumbledore so far is coming across as nuanced too, and Ron and Harry strike me as in character and I like how she's handling Lily.

I zipped past the 8 chapters posted to date--quick, engrossing read, nicely paced, lots of striking lines and insights. The story started posting in May and was last updated about two weeks ago. I know taking a chance on a WIP is always iffy, and lots of things can go wrong--Real Life derailing, abandoned, stuck, jumping the shark into WTF, bloated plot going no where, newbie author discouraged by being nit picked to death. But this looks to be a good one so far folks--so let's feed the author, Oh Kay?

So what WIPs started since July of last year (i.e. post first year after DH) in the Snape/Hermione ship are you following? Right now besides this one, I'd continue to read northangel27's Solace if updated (despite having had issues with it), and rhiannon_lune's Becoming Silhouettes--neither have been updated since May though.

fic recs, ss/hg

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