Camerado (R) 40,233 words
Publish Date: 5/26/09
Last Update: 8/14/09 (up to 8 chapters)
Genres: Drama, Romance, Friendship
Alt Link: (PG-13 version)
Summary: Hermione seeks knowledge from a reluctant Snape, in
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I have to admit that one of the things I'm most curious about at this point is whether the author actually manages to turn Severus into a semi-decent human being again and get a believable romance out of it - I'm currently vacillating between hoping that Hermione will get to spend a lovely life on her own, surrounded by friends and cats, and that Severus will somehow come to his senses and that there'll actually be romance. I'm really just wanting to kick some sense into him. And I usually really dislike unpleasant!Snape (although caddish!Snape is my real turn-off, and this one seems unpleasant in a different way) - I suppose somehow I still have some hope yet for him there.
But unlike a lot of people, I don't have a problem with the concept of purity, or with virginity being a big deal, or with the concept of there being just one "right" person out there for someone, so that takes care of a lot of the issues others may have. And I'm really loving the rest of the plot, in particular the friendship between Hermione and Harry - there are too few stories where that gets its due share. I'm reading it more as an adventure story and less as a romance, I suppose.
But yeah, as I said, I can definitely see why it wouldn't be some people's cup of tea at all.
What I'd really want is more post-DH 7th year fics, but there seems to be a real lack of those (or at least even somewhat good ones) out there, so I have to make do with whatever else there is!
I know some have complained there hasn't been all that much Snape period, that there seems more about Viktor. I have been won over by Snapes that repelled though. I know I at first backbuttoned Anna's Roman Holiday (which Purity has been compared to) after this ... well, molestation scene with Snape and Hermione. But others who I really, really respect raved about it, so pushing past that one scene, I found I really adored that story. At first I was squicked by Bloodcult's Snape in Tyger! Tyger! and positively repelled by the one in Seven Preposterious Things but Blood's prose is magical, her humor LOL-funny and the stories are just so-brim filled with exciting plot and imagination--and lo and behold (it took a long time) the Snape in 7PT grew on me.
So I could see how you could read the story more for other elements than the romance and be brought along--and the virginity/purity thing isn't a deal breaker, just one element I found irritating--and when those pile up and you see 400 thousand words to go... (I was also annoyed this seemed one of those Mary Sue Hermione who could run rings around all the adults)
I do understand the appeal though of a story with a strong Harry and Hermione friendship--you're right, we don't see that enough imo.
What I'd really want is more post-DH 7th year fics, but there seems to be a real lack of those (or at least even somewhat good ones) out there, so I have to make do with whatever else there is!
I've seen those called 8th year fics--there are some out there. One on my to-read list that has gotten some praise and from a look at the first chapter seems promising is Being Hermione Granger. I'd like to see more of that too--and more stories post-Hogwarts with an adult Hermione in a more equal position to Snape.
Hmm, I've been thinking about reading Being Hermione Granger but haven't got to it yet, mostly because I didn't really know what it was about. Should certainly give it a try at some point!
Oh, yes, another recent fic I am also reading is Caramel - I have had my reservations about that one, and nearly quit at one point because if there is one thing I really, really can't deal with it's smoking!Snape, but it seems to be finding its feet and is certainly growing on me.
And yeah, sometimes its just a matter whether a fic clicks with you or not, although especially given KIA I really do try hard to push through pet peeves and prejudices and beyond my comfort zone--I want to point people to the good ones.
I'm glad I'm not a fic reccer. :-D I just don't much bother any more with the fics I'm not comfortable with / where there isn't something that immediately captures (and holds) my interest or curiosity. It's one thing that has certainly changed since I started reading fic - back then I tried to persist even when I wasn't really liking something any longer, but now I have far fewer qualms with just dropping something.
I'm the opposite. I came into the ship post-HBP when I was sure of two things--Snape acted under Dumbledore's orders and he was doomed. Plus I cut my teeth on Falling Further In and Pet Project and Soul Searching and Fire and the Rose where I was entranced by the whole idea that there was more to Snape than what you see in canon--that you could write a credible version that was appealing and you could see matching Hermione.
I avoided non-con, I avoided darkfic and dark Snapes, I avoided unhappy endings, and I was cranky there weren't more stories like FFI and Pet Project where Snape as a teacher and Head of House is more explored.
KIA--and those lists though is what pushed me to read a lot of stories I avoided for years though--stories like Deeble's What E'er Therein Is Promised and Theatrem's Chaos Is Come Again and Melisande and Areola's Needfire which I'd come to count as some of the very, very best in the ship. So sometimes pushing past your preferences can pay dividends.
But in the end, life is too short to read a 400k epic if something in it doesn't push you forward.
Oh yes, absolutely. Or, in my case, to read darkfic, or unhappy fic, or a Snape who acts like some of the worst romance novel macho cliché cads - I've tried some, and it's really not my thing, no matter how well written, so it's just simpler to avoid those fics.
I suppose fanfic is so clearly just escapism and a brain holiday for me that I'm not really looking for excellent writing there (although it certainly doesn't hurt if the plot is to my liking), I'm looking for things I know I'll like and that don't tax my brain too much. I have work to do that for me!
That I certainly understand!
And really, the above are my preferences too (happy endings with no-cad Alpha Male Snapes).
I'm a fluffy bunny at heart. Honest!
I do get through/try darkfic, and rec it, but I think in a way my standards are higher there. The writing better *really* be excellent to hold me. While in my heart of hearts I have a soft spot for heroic if snarky Snapes-who-are-just-misunderstood with a touch of hurt/comfort with the comfort and understanding coming from Hermione. I have to try harder with those not to be too easy. ;-)
And I'd add here I absolutely agree! A teen crush on an older man isn't something I'd find squicky. Hey, even Rowling had poor 13-year old Hermione crushing on Gilderoy Lockhart!
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