
May 11, 2012 14:11

Good news: Monday morning we sign the lease for the new apartment. Woohoo! I should probably get a start on some cleaning, and boxing stuff. And getting rid of other stuff. Chris also has a couple of interviews. Woohoo x2! I can't wait until July, when it's ours-- we'll have most of that month to get stuff moved and all, so I'll have time to look ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

stellans May 11 2012, 19:22:29 UTC
yay! I'm so happy for you, baby.

And thank you (early) for the lovely mother's day present! Daddy will be busy tomorrow setting the concrete for it. There's a perfect spot in the front yard all ready for it.


halogin May 11 2012, 19:56:31 UTC
Woohoo! Glad you got it. :D


vorrick May 12 2012, 01:37:07 UTC
Congratulations! \o/

I am sorry about your brain leakage. I suggest superglue up the nose, it should do the trick. <3 Alternately, hopefully it will fade soon.


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