
May 11, 2012 14:11

Good news: Monday morning we sign the lease for the new apartment. Woohoo! I should probably get a start on some cleaning, and boxing stuff. And getting rid of other stuff. Chris also has a couple of interviews. Woohoo x2! I can't wait until July, when it's ours-- we'll have most of that month to get stuff moved and all, so I'll have time to look around and, if I want to do some painting, do that. I am determined to actually get more decor up in this place-- I half-heartedly did a little in our current one, but I will do more in the next, by gum.

Not-so-much-bad-as-bleh news: I still feel like my brain is leaking down, sponging up my sinuses, then slowly leaking out my nose. I can't think decently enough to write or draw much of anything.

And since Nova is sitting on my desk in front of me, staring and telling me quite insistently about how it's lunchtime and she wants her crunchies, I should go do what the Pampered Princess of Fluff demands.

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