
May 10, 2012 16:50

Got the application and deposit in for the new apartment, they just have to do a credit check on Chris and criminal background checks on both of us, which should be just dandy. The other person who's looking to rent at the same place didn't show up there today, so we were put down for the 12th floor apartment that I was hoping for. Woohoo! It really is a nice view. It did help that when I looked at it, it was nice and bright and sunny, but still. :D

It's nice to have our stuff in for that. Once it's confirmed, we get to start making arrangements like the 60 day notice to our current place, and movers (we don't want to move furniture ourselves this time), and really important stuff like INTERNET. :D

Chris also won't have to worry about scraping the car off in wintertime since we opted for indoor parking; he likes that idea. I'll probably ditch my current computer desk (which I had gotten through Kijiji for $20 anyway so no great loss) because it might be a bit much for the living space. Which is fine, I don't mind a smaller desk again. I think Nova will like having a floor on which she isn't as prone to sliding, with her big ol' tufted paws.

I'm also considering doing a little painting before moving in-- maybe a neutral accent wall in the living room, and I still kinda want apple green in the kitchen. Nothing much, just something different. But I'd need to check out the countertops and all again first.

So, yay! Come July it looks like we'll be moving again.

This entry was originally posted at http://halogin.dreamwidth.org/11484.html.
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