Maybe a new home!

May 09, 2012 19:14

I looked at three more apartment complexes today, and called one to say we were definitely wanting to go for it. I'm hoping we can somehow get the 12th floor apartment at this one building because man, I fell in love with that balcony view. I can see the Ottawa River from there! But barring that, we'd have a 3rd floor place, which I'm okay with. ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

hooves May 9 2012, 23:44:22 UTC
You inspired me with your bold move for pink hair.

I'm dyeing my hair pink right now! /o/

That said, the 12th floor apartment sounds really awesome. I hope you can get it!


halogin May 9 2012, 23:49:07 UTC
Pink hair ftw! :)

It really is a lovely view from that one. I'll be fine with the 3rd floor, but still hoping for 12th. :D


jadall May 10 2012, 00:17:29 UTC
I knew you were Canadian but I never realized how close you are to me in terms of location. o_O Hope the apartment works out and don't get between me and William Shatner at the con.


halogin May 10 2012, 00:22:10 UTC
Oooh, you'll be there too? XD Well, if you see a short, chubby lady with short pink hair, followed by a stocky guy with short brown hair and a beard, that's more than likely going to be us.

Technically I'm a Permanent Resident, not Canadian. Still American. :D But I married a Canadian and immigrated!


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