SPN Drabble: "Then The Words Bleed Through" (Dean, Sam, PG)

Feb 20, 2010 23:18

Title: Then The Words Bleed Through
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam, Dean (Drabble)
Rating: PG
Summary (S1, post-"Shadow"): Sam was not getting pulled into this life again.
Author's Notes: A late happy Birthday to rejeneration! Your prompts brought forth this drabble, which I'd intended to be Slash but I think is open-to-interpretation at best. Hope ( Read more... )

spn_s1_fic, spn_ep_based_fic, my_fic, sn_gen, birthday, drabbles

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Comments 23

celtic_forest February 21 2010, 07:22:17 UTC


halfshellvenus February 21 2010, 08:35:01 UTC
"Scarecrow" and "Shadows"-- two of my favorite S1 angst episodes, for how Sam stomps on Dean's heart and doesn't even realize he's doing it.


celtic_forest February 21 2010, 21:58:18 UTC
And you show it finally sinking in his thick skull, a little bit; it's like the rest of their relationship starts right here.


angelshandprint January 9 2011, 16:40:47 UTC
Oh, I totally know what you mean. That's what I was feeling throughout S1. THis was really inspiring. Found it in spn_brotherlove. Think I got a lot to catch up in there :)


gunznammo2 February 21 2010, 15:51:00 UTC
Owie. Dean hurts, is hurting and the wounds are Sam-sized. You brought that all back. Lovely and painful. Oh, boys...


halfshellvenus February 21 2010, 20:26:07 UTC
Those days long ago, when all the pain and hope and torment came from the family dynamic itself... *sigh* How I miss them! Such a wonderfully rich canvas to work with.


erinrua February 21 2010, 19:02:54 UTC
Utterly heartbreaking. It's so strange and sad and bittersweet to look that far back in time. Chronologically it's not that much, but for the boys, it's a lifetime agon ....

Thanks for your beautiful words! :)


halfshellvenus February 21 2010, 20:27:54 UTC
Chronologically it's not that much, but for the boys, it's a lifetime agon ....

And part of what aches about it is that THAT amount of ache and tragedy was hard enough, before all of the Big Picture stuff got dumped on top of it.

They were already struggling to find a way to deal with the conflicting pulls of love and loyalty and self-identify. To break them even more seems so harsh!


huntress69 February 21 2010, 19:59:16 UTC
I see slash everywhere no matter what LOL. I really liked your words, and judging by Sam's final thoughts, I think that deep inside himself he knows he is never leaving. Good job as always.


halfshellvenus February 21 2010, 21:52:45 UTC
I could view this as slash, definitely, but ideally it would be more obvious when that's what's requested. :(

Given the heartbreaking conversation Sam and Dean had in the motel room in this episode, I like to think that by the end of the episode Sam might have decided instead that he wouldn't be so eager to run back to the "safer" world and its false promises.


tifaching February 21 2010, 22:05:27 UTC
Sam certainly seems to have decided NOW that safe and normal isn't in the cards for him. Wish he'd seen it a little earlier, so he hadn't shredded his brother quite so much. Awesome drabble.


halfshellvenus February 21 2010, 22:15:22 UTC
That motel room scene, with Sam baldly claiming that he DIDN'T want to be a whole family again-- as if Dean was crazy for wanting that himself-- ouch! One of the most painful moments of S1 for me, because Dean finally says everything he's thinking in the most heart-on-his-sleeve way (which he never does) and Sam just brushes it off like it's nothing.

For him to see what all of that love costs Dean, and to unbend a little... that's a huge step for them both.


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