SPN Drabble: "Then The Words Bleed Through" (Dean, Sam, PG)

Feb 20, 2010 23:18

Title: Then The Words Bleed Through
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam, Dean (Drabble)
Rating: PG
Summary (S1, post-"Shadow"): Sam was not getting pulled into this life again.
Author's Notes: A late happy Birthday to rejeneration! Your prompts brought forth this drabble, which I'd intended to be Slash but I think is open-to-interpretation at best. Hope ( Read more... )

spn_s1_fic, spn_ep_based_fic, my_fic, sn_gen, birthday, drabbles

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celtic_forest February 21 2010, 07:22:17 UTC


halfshellvenus February 21 2010, 08:35:01 UTC
"Scarecrow" and "Shadows"-- two of my favorite S1 angst episodes, for how Sam stomps on Dean's heart and doesn't even realize he's doing it.


celtic_forest February 21 2010, 21:58:18 UTC
And you show it finally sinking in his thick skull, a little bit; it's like the rest of their relationship starts right here.


angelshandprint January 9 2011, 16:40:47 UTC
Oh, I totally know what you mean. That's what I was feeling throughout S1. THis was really inspiring. Found it in spn_brotherlove. Think I got a lot to catch up in there :)


halfshellvenus January 19 2011, 21:35:58 UTC
Thank you!

I miss those early days, when life was simpler and yet the ache was no less.

Dean lived with the threat of Sam leaving again, and Sam... could never get rid of the feeling that this was NOT the life he wanted now or ever. The push-pull of those two conflicting outlooks and needs had a delicious angst that was all I ever really needed from this show. :)


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