FIC: The Promotion

Sep 03, 2011 14:22

Title: The Promotion
Author: gypsyflame
Pairing: Snape/Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~5,400
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of J.K. Rowling, et al. This was created for fun, not for profit.
Warnings: D/s; humiliation; consensually-roleplayed dubious consent (say that three times fast)
Summary: Harry really needs that promotion. Draco is ( Read more... )

controlverse, ot3, fic

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Comments 36

Well.... blackmagicthing September 4 2011, 02:52:20 UTC
I hate and like this story ( ... )


Re: Well.... gypsyflame September 4 2011, 03:18:46 UTC
I think you may be misreading the intent of this story.

They treat him like a plastic puppet to manipulate to there wishes however they wantThat is not at all what is happening here. The power exchange between Draco, Severus, and Harry is based on mutual trust and respect. Draco chooses to surrender his control to his lovers because (a) he finds it sexually gratifying, (b) it gives him an outlet for his anxiety regarding control issues, and (c) it's a way that he expresses his love for and trust in Harry and Severus ( ... )


Re: Well.... blackmagicthing September 5 2011, 15:41:00 UTC
That is true. I did miss the point completely, and can see how it can be seen as strength to give up your power to the ones your trust, but I never really did get the complete concept of the D/s, and how it really worked.

I word it wrong. I didn't see this as abuse or anything at all. When I said 'puppet' I was thinking of how they really didn't just outwardly ask him if he was okay with it or not, but I guess that is were the trust comes in.

I wish there were fics out there that explains the D/s relationship better, especially to those who is new to the whole thing. Most just start head first into the relationship(they are already together) and never really explain how they got there.

Sorry if I insulted you with my comment, but I was just typing what I felt without really thinking about it like I always do.


Re: Well.... gypsyflame September 5 2011, 16:24:07 UTC
I wasn't insulted, only frustrated. It's certainly not your fault if you're not familiar with D/s! And as you said, most D/s fics do start when the relationship is already established, which is unfortunate.

They really didn't just outwardly ask him if he was okay with it or notHmm, I think I might know where the misunderstanding here is. As I stated in the header, this fic depicts sexual roleplay - in other words, the men are in an established relationship, and they decided to run this fantasy scene to spice up their sex a little ( ... )


[. . .] skbfinest September 4 2011, 03:05:03 UTC
This story pleases me so.

A Slutty/Submissive!Draco is always appreciated.
I love that Draco is so thoroughly used and debauched and so . . .
UNF. I might have had a mini-orgasm just thinking about it.


Re: [. . .] gypsyflame September 4 2011, 03:20:08 UTC
Thank you! The boy does love to be debauched, LOL.


ran26 September 4 2011, 03:13:50 UTC
I love Bottom!Draco... I love this story...
And Wow.. This story is sure HOT!! xD


gypsyflame September 4 2011, 03:20:39 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


siniestramalfoy September 4 2011, 03:18:10 UTC
This was great!
Even if for a moment I really thought I wouldn't be able to read it when it became a bit bitter with that hint of Harry betraying Draco.

Anyway, an amazing fic :)


gypsyflame September 4 2011, 03:21:28 UTC
Thank you! I hope you felt better when you realized that the "betrayal" was just part of the game, LOL.


lisacreature September 4 2011, 10:33:24 UTC
I love all of your work, but I was expecting something more angsty, I was hoping for Draco to kick Harry and Sanpe in balls and run off!

Anyway I gave the story a try, but unfortunatly it didn't suit my tastes. However, there is no doubt that your writing skills are amazing, so don't give up.

Sorry if I angered you or disapointed you, the smut was greatly done, but my heart bled at Harry's betrayal, stupid Harry, bit of an arsehole in this fic! In my fanatsy world Charlie saves the day and rescues poor Draco! Hehe lol my fave pairing!


gypsyflame September 4 2011, 16:20:38 UTC
I have to ask... you do realize that Harry, Draco, and Snape are roleplaying in this fic? They're in an established relationship, and they planned the entire fantasy scenario out beforehand. Harry's "betrayal" is just part of a game - it isn't real.

Draco definitely wouldn't have kicked Harry and Severus in the balls and run off, since this whole thing was his idea in the first place! LOL. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear to you.

But I will agree that Charlie/Draco is a delicious pairing. ;-)


lisacreature September 4 2011, 18:41:56 UTC
So sorry! I must not have read it probably! *smacks forehead repeatedly* Im such an idiot. =(

Charlie/Draco are HOT! Will you be writing another fic about them soon? I know quite a few other good fics with this pairing.

Sorry again! Today has just not been my day! =(


gypsyflame September 4 2011, 19:01:51 UTC
Don't worry about it, haha. We all have days like that. :-)

I haven't actually ever written Charlie/Draco, but I really love the pairing and hope to write a fic featuring it one day. I'm just waiting for that perfect plotbunny.


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