Back from the Expo - still flailing like the fangirl that I am:

May 24, 2009 14:01

Two things of importance to note:

1. Katie McGrath really IS that beautiful in real life. Seriously - she's jaw-droppingly attractive. I didn't know whether to be incredibly depressed or just completely in-awe.

2. Angel Coulby is even MORE beautiful in real life than she is on TV. Seriously, I don't know what they do to her on Merlin but it does ( Read more... )

season two, pics, convention: london expo, katie mcgrath, angel coulby

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Comments 25

otempora42 May 24 2009, 13:27:20 UTC
Gwen and Morgana get closer??? I am so much more excited for season two now (not that I wasn't before, mind).

And they are so gorgeous. *hugs Katie and Angel*


heather May 24 2009, 13:33:13 UTC
OMFG THEY GET CLOSER. *happysigh* That's the thing I've been most worried about for the new season, because I seriously couldn't think of anything that would pull them apart in a realistic, in-character way, yet I was sure that they would fall apart, and generally very worried, yes. ANYWAY YAY.

(And JFC they are so gorgeous look at them, guh)


majorrogue May 24 2009, 13:52:42 UTC
YES! CYBER CUP-CAKES!!! yum yum!! :D

i so wish i had gone to this, next time defo i'm going (well y'know only if katie's there!! *ahem*)

it sounds really good that they get closer and that she goes through stuff!! it means more screen time for them both which can't be bad now can it??!! also i read that mordred is back! YAY so that could be to do with morgana....

and that pic!!! you lucky devil *jealous*


gnimaerd May 24 2009, 14:16:53 UTC
Where did you read about Mordred? They're getting Lancelot back, but nothing was said about Mordred at the Expo. =/

But definitely go if you get a chance next time. It was SO worth it. I don't know if I could do it again the way I did it (one bus down and then another back up in the same day was just hellish) but if I have enough money to find somewhere to stay overnight the next time I'll definitely go again.


majorrogue May 24 2009, 14:37:22 UTC
gealach_roshas done a little rec of loads of reports and stuff from the con, i think afew of them mentioned mordred!! and mainly have pics of the guys :(

yeah i put myself off from going and kinda wish i hadn't so next time i'm there!!!


heather May 24 2009, 14:37:41 UTC
They're getting Lancelot back, but nothing was said about Mordred at the Expo. =/

Really? I was wondering about that. I've been reading other recaps (gealach_ros has a roundup here) and while all mentioned Lancelot, only a couple mention Mordred so I was wondering if that was true.


copracat May 24 2009, 14:09:09 UTC

I love your photo so much. Thank you for taking it and posting it.

(I am in no way ogling Angel Coulby's cleavage. Nuh uh.)


gnimaerd May 24 2009, 14:17:40 UTC
LOL. NO. ME EITHER. XP But seriously, as a friend of mine said when when I showed her this photo - DAYM, ANGEL BE FIIIINE.


pictureplaces May 24 2009, 14:53:06 UTC
Excuse me for a moment:


okay, okay i think i'm good. They are STUNNING. OHMYGOD. I'm so happy right now thank you for asking those questions. They seem so sweet irl.


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