Back from the Expo - still flailing like the fangirl that I am:

May 24, 2009 14:01

Two things of importance to note:

1. Katie McGrath really IS that beautiful in real life. Seriously - she's jaw-droppingly attractive. I didn't know whether to be incredibly depressed or just completely in-awe.

2. Angel Coulby is even MORE beautiful in real life than she is on TV. Seriously, I don't know what they do to her on Merlin but it does ( Read more... )

season two, pics, convention: london expo, katie mcgrath, angel coulby

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majorrogue May 24 2009, 13:52:42 UTC
YES! CYBER CUP-CAKES!!! yum yum!! :D

i so wish i had gone to this, next time defo i'm going (well y'know only if katie's there!! *ahem*)

it sounds really good that they get closer and that she goes through stuff!! it means more screen time for them both which can't be bad now can it??!! also i read that mordred is back! YAY so that could be to do with morgana....

and that pic!!! you lucky devil *jealous*


gnimaerd May 24 2009, 14:16:53 UTC
Where did you read about Mordred? They're getting Lancelot back, but nothing was said about Mordred at the Expo. =/

But definitely go if you get a chance next time. It was SO worth it. I don't know if I could do it again the way I did it (one bus down and then another back up in the same day was just hellish) but if I have enough money to find somewhere to stay overnight the next time I'll definitely go again.


majorrogue May 24 2009, 14:37:22 UTC
gealach_roshas done a little rec of loads of reports and stuff from the con, i think afew of them mentioned mordred!! and mainly have pics of the guys :(

yeah i put myself off from going and kinda wish i hadn't so next time i'm there!!!


heather May 24 2009, 14:37:41 UTC
They're getting Lancelot back, but nothing was said about Mordred at the Expo. =/

Really? I was wondering about that. I've been reading other recaps (gealach_ros has a roundup here) and while all mentioned Lancelot, only a couple mention Mordred so I was wondering if that was true.


gnimaerd May 24 2009, 14:41:40 UTC
I could be wrong but I genuinely don't remember anything being said about Mordred, other than Katie saying that her favourite episode was with Asa Butterfield and that she loved working with him. If anything was said about Mordred it was at the autograph session, not the panel.


majorrogue May 24 2009, 14:58:39 UTC
i hope it is true though, coz that would be great and hopefully would involve morgana and the druids (of course this could be my brain overloading and wishing too much!!!)

maybe one of us should ask someone who mention mordred!!!??? :)


majorrogue May 25 2009, 14:35:18 UTC
i asked elsewhere about the mordred thing and this was the reply:

from tarayith "All I can remember about the Mordred bit was that it was mentioned by Johnny in a big spiel about a load of stuff coming back--the same part when he was saying Lancelot and Excalibur would make a return too. There was no more information than that, sorry."

thought you might be interested :D


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