Back from the Expo - still flailing like the fangirl that I am:

May 24, 2009 14:01

Two things of importance to note:

1. Katie McGrath really IS that beautiful in real life. Seriously - she's jaw-droppingly attractive. I didn't know whether to be incredibly depressed or just completely in-awe.

2. Angel Coulby is even MORE beautiful in real life than she is on TV. Seriously, I don't know what they do to her on Merlin but it does her NO justice - she's stunning to look at in real life. Her hair was down and she had this sparkly flower thing pinned into one side and also she had awsome red wedge-heals on. ^_^

Alright, I asked two questions (once I'd stopped flailing enough to be vaguely coherant). The first was the ever-important mystery of what the hell Katie is doing clutching a toy tiger during the filming of the feast scene in the first episode.

Katie was HUGELY embarassed by the question (the audience laughed while she blushed and hid her face in her hands) . And then she laughed, sort of sheepishly, and said: "It's not just me being weird with a teddy, okay? It's a hot water bottle." (invisible cyber cup-cakes for you, majorrogue  !)  She basically said that the costume department had provided her with it (I can't remember whether they'd actually made it for her or whether they'd just given it to her) because often she's in these really thin silk gowns filming on sets that are freezing cold, so the costume department took pity on her and gave her a hot water bottle with the cover shaped like a stuffed toy tiger.

Also, she said its name is Hugo. ^_^

She can't have been that embarassed though 'cause when I was at the autograph signing session later she remembered me, and brought it up again of her own accord, asking if she was going to be reading about Hugo the Teddy (she did call him a teddy, not a tiger - I think she was using the word 'teddy' like a lot of people do to refer to ANY stuffed toy, which I thought was cute) on the internet later. And I said yes, yes she probably was. And she made a joke about how they have a lot of time on their hands on set to be naming things, and I pointed out that her FANS also have a lot of time on their hands, which is why we have time to be wondering about these things - and that made her laugh.

(And then she shook my hand and called me sweetheart and I nearly died - but I wont get into that bit right now. XP)

Anyway, what's of actual relevance to this comm is the answer I got to the second question I asked, about whether they could give us any clues about how Gwen and Morgana's relationship might progress, given what we know about what eventually happens to the characters.

Angel told me that they honestly didn't know - but Johnny Capps, one of the writers, chimed in with something VERY interesting (and squee-worthy):

He said that Gwen and Morgana are actually going to get closer this season.


But yes, apparently, they are. He said that Morgana is going to go through some things this series that mean that she will actually need Gwen to help and support her - and also Merlin (both these points got cheers from the audience, btw). And that we will see Gwen and Morgana grow very close this season as a result of what Morgana is going to go through.

At which point I could do nothing but give a big thumbs up because if I'd tried to talk I would have just squealed like a crazy person. XP

Anyway, good news, no?

And, for posterity, the picture I took of the girls at the autograph signing:

How cute are they?! ^_^

season two, pics, convention: london expo, katie mcgrath, angel coulby

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