Gay Men Prohibited from Donating Organs, Blood, and Semen

Aug 31, 2008 20:39

Men who have had sex with other men, or women who have sex with a man who has had sex with a man, cannot donate blood in the US and Canada. Yet a man who has had anal sex with a prostitute for years can wait 6 months and if he has no STDS can still donate ( Read more... )

faulty logic, morality, health, prejudice, wtf, gay rights, history, government, queer, homosexuality, homophobia, canada, international, persecution, equality, sex education, discrimination, activism, legislation, hypocrisy, ignorance, biology, hiv/aids, society, gay, absurd, political activism, sex, lesbian, bisexual, "morality", the closet

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Comments 47

yep_i_am_dennis September 1 2008, 00:50:00 UTC
When I donate blood I don't bother telling them my sexuality, it's none of their business. I have no problems donating.


den_snilek September 1 2008, 00:55:33 UTC
?So we should all lie to be able to do something every should be able to do? They point blank, at least here, ask you if you are gay, have had sex with a gay man, or have had sex with a prostitute, anal or otherwise.

I refuse to lie, even if it is none of their business.


torasama September 1 2008, 00:57:27 UTC
Small point - they can't actually ask you if you're gay. They ask you if you've had gay sex. Which, you know, is 100000x worse than prostitute sex.


losxprestamos September 1 2008, 01:18:47 UTC
+2 if it was a gay prostitute.


den_snilek September 1 2008, 00:53:16 UTC
exactly! It's very... horrible. Sorry my words escape me at the moment. As a gay man it's quite idiotic that even though I've never had sex and am in a monogamous relationship with another guy I'll never be able to give blood. It just pisses me off. Very very much.



randomguy3 September 1 2008, 19:39:20 UTC
"I've never had sex"

If this is the case, you can give blood.

Unless you meant to put some sort of qualifier on that.


trialia September 1 2008, 00:59:12 UTC
This was the topic in discussion when my father wound up in hospital for stitches when I was off my meds... *cough*


tko_ak September 1 2008, 01:31:13 UTC
This isn't anything new. These bans have been on the books for decades.


mden2013 September 1 2008, 01:34:58 UTC
Nod. But public pressure on the FDA, especially framed in the context of disaster relief with Gustav coming, might cause a revisit to the issue.


fabfemmeboy September 1 2008, 03:51:40 UTC
Exactly what I was going to say. The ban was first enacted in 1985. Is it irrational now, given the much higher rate of new infections in heterosexual females between 18 and 35? Sure. Is it problematic with the large MSM population? Yes. But I fail to see how it's newsworthy.


losxprestamos September 1 2008, 05:22:16 UTC
Just because it isn't new, doesn't mean a call to action isn't appropriate.


enlisted_smile September 1 2008, 01:54:22 UTC
This isn't anything new. I'm sure your congressman is already well aware of it, too. This post just kind of makes me think, "duh." No offense. lol


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