Happy Holidays! Also, a fic bunny to someone who can write Vorkosigan-verse

Dec 25, 2012 18:01

Happy holidays, both to those who celebrate it and those who are stuck watching everyone else celebrate (and shut down over) them!  I have gotten so much good loot over here that I'm going, "I didn't think I'd been that good this year..."  I mean, seriously: books, a gryphon figurine from a game, hot cocoa mix, gift cards I'll actually *use* (my ( Read more... )

family, health, dragon, writing: story ideas, holidays, fandoms: vorkosiganverse, fic: free to good home

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Comments 13

irishkate December 26 2012, 00:08:42 UTC
Happy holidays to you. Glad to hear you had a good day and even better when you make out like a bandit.



gryphonrhi December 26 2012, 01:28:41 UTC
Had a lovely day -- hope yours was good, too, dear! {{hugs}}


pat_t December 26 2012, 01:25:13 UTC
Happy Holidays. I'm celebrating with a killer ear infection. Lots of Pecocet, Lortab and Ibuprofen.


gryphonrhi December 26 2012, 01:29:49 UTC
Oh, no! I've been fighting one off for a week myself; I'm sorry as hell to hear yours is winning!


springwoof December 26 2012, 04:01:03 UTC
Congrats on all that good stuff !

Cool plot bunny!


gryphonrhi December 26 2012, 20:00:18 UTC
::laughing:: That plot bunny really needs this icon...

And thanks! Hope you had a good holiday!


keerawa December 26 2012, 04:20:28 UTC
Grats on figuring out the wheat allergy! I did something similar with dairy, and it suddenly cleared up the 8-year long 'cold' I'd been experiencing.

Now that IS a fascinating plot bunny. Hmm. Intimidating, but such fun. And of course it might be Gregor's attempt to bring Cordelia back to Barrayar after Aral' death. And she'd KNOW that. But if he actually needed her, of course she would still say yes...


adina_atl December 26 2012, 17:09:25 UTC
Oh, now wait a minute. If it was after Aral's death, it would mean that both Miles and Cordelia were auditors at the same time. The universe wouldn't survive! Also, the mind boggles at the crisis that would require both their talents.


gryphonrhi December 26 2012, 20:02:41 UTC
Oh, the universe would survive. They needn't be working on the same case. But yes Cordelia as an auditor in Vorbarr Sultana does appeal to me, somehow!


gryphonrhi December 26 2012, 20:01:50 UTC
::amused:: Figuring out the timing on it would be 'interesting,' yes! But wow. She'd really blow things up.

Congrats on figuring out the dairy! Man, though, it's the holidays and I can't have wheat? Whoo-boy. My timing on this is exemplary, as ever. An example, maybe, of what not to do.


warclaw December 26 2012, 13:39:24 UTC
Just so you know, the Betty Crocker gluten-free brownies are actually quite good.


gryphonrhi December 26 2012, 19:57:58 UTC
That's worth knowing! Thank you!


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