Happy Holidays! Also, a fic bunny to someone who can write Vorkosigan-verse

Dec 25, 2012 18:01

Happy holidays, both to those who celebrate it and those who are stuck watching everyone else celebrate (and shut down over) them!  I have gotten so much good loot over here that I'm going, "I didn't think I'd been that good this year..."  I mean, seriously: books, a gryphon figurine from a game, hot cocoa mix, gift cards I'll actually *use* (my mother is wonderful like that), and work-out clothes I like!  It's looking like a great night to stay in, too.  I have a decorated tree making the house smell like pine, I have excellent red wine to hand, I have beef and barley stew in the crock pot, and I'm even down enough pounds that the nieces noticed and asked about it.

(It's looking like I'm allergic to/intolerant of wheat.  I cut that one thing out of my diet and started shedding 1.5-2 lbs a week. I actually did headaches the 3rd and 4th days off the stuff, the way caffeine addicts do when they go off coffee cold-turkey.  All these years I've looked at my diet and exercise habits and said, "Why in hell am I gaining weight?"  We might know now...)

Anyway:  I also come bearing a Vorkosigan plot-bunny to a good home.  I was rereading Memory while traveling back and forth between family visits, and reading choice bits out loud to Dragon while he drove, and I got to Miles making it clear to the head of ImpSec that yes, he *was* an Imperial Auditor and they would get out of his way.  And it occurred to me that the only person more terrifying as an Auditor would be Cordelia. Now I desperately want this fic, because really, what in the world kind of job would Gregor enlist her as 9th Auditor *for*?

ETA:  Also, to the anonymous author who wrote HLH_Shortcuts fic that mentioned one of my fics was part of the backstory -- you have made me quite possibly as gleeful as your intended recipient.  What a LOVELY surprise!  (I'd have beta'd for you if I'd known about it!)  Thank you!  (Link later when I have my tabs reduced enough to find it again!)

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family, health, dragon, writing: story ideas, holidays, fandoms: vorkosiganverse, fic: free to good home

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