Little Black Dresses (or Suits) of fandom

Oct 28, 2012 21:56

So, the current list (in vaguely chronological order):

Krycek, X-Files (because he had the name first; I believe it was Te's fault)
Methos, Highlander (What? He most certainly can show up everywhere)
Joe Dawson, HL (Ditto; does this need explanation?)
Matthew McCormick, HL (Magnificent 7 to Miss Marple; so far, no problem)
Spike, Buffy (also one of the ( Read more... )

fandoms: lost girl, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: good omens, easily amused, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: buffy, fandoms: highlander, writing: little black dresses

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Comments 17

jimpage363 October 29 2012, 03:25:41 UTC
Ianto from Torchwood seems to show up a lot more around the multiverse now.


gryphonrhi October 29 2012, 03:38:29 UTC
Good point, thanks! I completely forgot Ianto goes wandering through time and rifts, sometimes even without Captain Jack. ;->


beccadg October 29 2012, 03:54:24 UTC
You beat me to that one! I'd say Ianto goes in the same category as Krycek, Joe, Cam, and Coulson AND Captain Jack Harkness goes in the same category as Methos, Matthew, Crowley, Death, and Trick.


xianghua October 29 2012, 03:34:29 UTC
Neil from White Collar, for sure. :) Peter too, really, but Neil's easier to work into places.
ANYONE from the Leverage crew- but particularly Sophie and Eliot. :)


gryphonrhi October 29 2012, 03:39:12 UTC
Oh, yeah, those three...! Parker's not as interactive, but she'd make a great multi-verse McGuffin for a fic.


xianghua October 29 2012, 03:45:31 UTC
Yeah, exactly. And Nate will talk to ANYONE but you sort of have to work around pre-divorce Nate.


gryphonrhi October 29 2012, 20:17:46 UTC
I'd rather not work around pre-divorce Nate. But yeah. Early Nate and Parker even now are more like plot-C4 than LBDs.


beccadg October 29 2012, 04:16:20 UTC
I'm not sure whether you should list Captain Jack separately, or just list "Ianto and/or Jack" like "Crowley and/or Aziraphale" and "Death and/or Death of Rats." *Ponders.*

ETA: Oh, I've actually seen a fusion with Jack as Crowley and Ianto as Aziraphale. ;)


gryphonrhi October 29 2012, 20:18:19 UTC
Probably the 'and/or' -- more efficient if nothing else!


lady_alys October 29 2012, 04:31:28 UTC
If you're going to have Ianto and/or Captain Jack on there, you should probably also add the Doctor. Not only does he travel all through time and space, but he's a compulsive meddler.

And maybe Rory? There must have been some moments of epic boredom during the 2000 years he spent guarding the Pandorica, just ripe for an adventure with someone from another fandom....


beccadg October 29 2012, 06:21:33 UTC
Not only does he travel all through time and space, but he's a compulsive meddler.

Heh, my favorite bit of Time Lord/Time Lady flexibleness is that, if the regeneration sequence from Romana I to Romana II in anyway represents how much one can change with a regeneration, they can not only change their shape but their gender. :D


gryphonrhi October 29 2012, 20:19:43 UTC
I think I've seen some fic with Rory like that. I'm not a Who-vian, so I don't see much and only know very rough details. Thanks!

ETA: Huh! That's not at all the icon I meant to use -- whoops!


sinanju October 29 2012, 20:15:31 UTC
I'd say that the gang from Dead Like Me (but mostly George) can arguably constitute LBDs of fandom. Admittedly, they seldom stray from Seattle--but there's no one on the list you've compiled who couldn't show up there for one reason or another. And given that death frequently accompanies most of these characters (either deaths to be investigated, avenged...or caused, in some cases) you've got a perfectly legitimate reason for a reaper to show up.

Or maybe I'm just a really big fan of that show and I like to cross them over with other shows myself.


gryphonrhi October 29 2012, 20:21:29 UTC
Is that the show with the reapers?


sinanju October 29 2012, 20:27:45 UTC
It is. George (and Rube, Mason, Roxie and Daisy) are the undead reapers who claim the souls of the about-to-be-dearly-departed moments before they meet their untimely* (and often gruesome and/or funny) ends.

*They specifically handle people who die by accident, homicide or suicide. Natural Causes are a different department.


gryphonrhi October 29 2012, 21:25:54 UTC
Hmm. Interesting dichotomy, since I'd almost say death by stupidicide is a natural cause! But cool, thanks!


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