Little Black Dresses (or Suits) of fandom

Oct 28, 2012 21:56

So, the current list (in vaguely chronological order):

Krycek, X-Files (because he had the name first; I believe it was Te's fault)
Methos, Highlander (What? He most certainly can show up everywhere)
Joe Dawson, HL (Ditto; does this need explanation?)
Matthew McCormick, HL (Magnificent 7 to Miss Marple; so far, no problem)
Spike, Buffy (also one of the early LBDs; hat-tip to
jenna_thorn for the reminder!)
Oz, Buffy (Also one of the early LBDs)
Dawn Summers, Buffy (she is the Key) hat-tip to
Jack O'Neill and/or Daniel Jackson,  SG-1  (Wander anywhere, talk to anyone, take all sorts of insanity relatively in stride) Hat-tip to Mischief
Cameron Mitchell, SG-1 (That man will talk to anyone)
Crowley and/or Aziraphale, Good Omens (They can go anywhere; what?)
Death and/or Death of Rats, Discworld (See previous)
Sawyer, Lost (well-travels, interacts with everyone) hat-tip to
Doctor Who (Do I even need to explain?) Hat-tip to
devohoneybee &  lady_alys 
Rory, Doctor Who (2000 years guarding the Pandorica) Hat-tip to lady_alys 
Ianto and/or Captain Jack Harkness, Torchwood (wanders through time w/Capt Jack and rifts, sometimes without Cpt. Jack) -- hat tip to
jimpage363 (for Ianto), and to
beck_liz  and
beccadg  for Jack.
Sophie, Leverage (con artist; can show up anywhere)
Eliot, Leverage (hitter, ditto)
Neal Caffrey, White Collar (con artist; yeah, anywhere, probably) -- WC and Leverage ideas courtesy of xiangua 
George, Dead Like Me (they show up around deaths, I think?) -- suggested by
Trick, Lost Girl (Nowhere, and no company, would surprise me)
Annabelle, St. Trinians -- suggested by
Stiles, Teen Wolf -- suggested by

Any additions to the list? Although I have to say, if you need an easy crossover, pick two LBDs and have at. That might be the simplest way to define a Little Black Dress/Suit -- does it go anywhere, in any crossover? Okay, yup, that's one.

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fandoms: lost girl, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: good omens, easily amused, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: buffy, fandoms: highlander, writing: little black dresses

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