Sean Burns fic list

Mar 26, 2011 19:23

Right, here's the last of the lists. There's this one, the Rebecca Horne list ( on LJ; on DW) and the Matthew McCormick list ( on LJ; on DW). If anyone has new links for that, I'll be glad to add them. These lists can also be found in the sidebar of both my LJ and DW. Please feel free to link to either of them from anywhere; they're meant for a fandom reference.

Sean Burns fic:
(i.e., Highlander fic)

Please note, this is not a 'recs list' per se; this is simply a list of all the fic we could find with Sean Burns in it, with summaries where the author had one and links to AO3 and/or HLFiction where possible. If a story is listed with a warning of NB, the story is an unfinished fic, but that warning is given by specific stories. If stories are not listed in alphabetical order under an author, it's because I've put a series in series order, and that'll probably be at the end of the author's works.

Here's what canon data we have on Sean (from the Watchers' CD):  Born in 760, Tyrconnell, Ulster and originally a monk on the island of Iona. He was killed later on in 805 by Viking raiders.  Known students: Steven Keane and Carolyn Mortimer (seen in the flashbacks of 'Til Death).  Killed in 1996 by Duncan MacLeod, who was under the influence of a Dark Quickening.

If you have links for me to add, LJ or DW IDs to add or correct, better URLs, or what have you, please drop a reply and I'll update this periodically! Especially if you have fic; I'm almost scared to wade in there, sorry. It'll be in my links list on both DW and LJ.

Updated 9th Mar, 2014:  No new stories to add, drat it! I'll have to do something about this.

The Chosen
Summary: The last time MacLeod saw Guillaume de Vitry he was trying to start his own religion. Now Richie is caught up in it and MacLeod and Sean Burns must race to rescue him before he becomes a full cult member.

Cathryn Bauer
A Change of Plans
Summary: Sean Burns' peaceful pre-Immortal existence as a healer monk on the green Hebridean island of Iona is interrupted by a Viking raid.

Signs and Wonders
Summary: Sean Burns connects with Marta, a mortal with a past, and chooses to reveal his Immortality to her. The results are not exactly storybook, but neither are their lives.

Of Swords and Harpsichords
Summary: An unforeseen challenge by a troubled young Immortal coerces Sean Burns and Marta, his mortal partner, into an unwanted confrontation with the dark side of Sean's Immortality and with implacable evil.

The Heisenberg Principle
Summary: Sean Burns and Marta, his mortal lover, settle into a deepening partnership. But there's one aspect of Immortality that Sean thought too trivial to mention. This story follows closely on the events in Of Swords and Harpsichords which I recommend reading before this one.

Summary: Marta and Sean host Adam and Alexa at the chateau. Alexa is not having a good day, and the social veneer wears through quickly. Dying is hard work; the others do their best to help.

Peace of the Angels
Summary: Marta, the mortal woman whom Sean Burns left behind, struggles with his death and her desire for revenge upon Duncan. Methos and the de Valicourts help her to pick up the pieces. Sequel to Signs and Wonders.

Iona of My Heart
Summary: Marta, Sean Burns’s mortal lover, follows through on a trip they had planned before his death. This story isn’t for those who crave action. It contains a great deal of reflection on mortal/Immortal romance, responses to life situations beyond personal choice and control, and flashbacks of Sean and Marta’s life together.

Dawn Nyberg
But Deliver Us From Evil
Summary: An immortal challenge leaves Duncan and Richie's lives changed forever. Will their "family" survive?

Jen Allen
In Fire Restored
Summary: None, but this story is the third and final piece of a Horseman arc that includes "The Centre Cannot Hold" and "For the Reckoning Comes". This story starts out a year after "For the Reckoning Comes". Other stories available at 7th Dimension.

Krista Arendes
Wanderings of a Mind
Summary:A journey back to a place that holds many memories for Duncan. It is time for him to move on.

Leslie Fish
Summary: Methos decides to end Duncan's self-destructive ritual, and Duncan winds up with Death for a psychiatrist.

Password of Time
Summary: Methos goes to Sean Burns for help with a pesky phobia, and both of them learn more than they expected.

The Curse of Kings. Follows Password of Time.
Summary: Methos visits Sean Burns again and remembers more of his early history, including a glimpse of when and why the world changed.

Scars on Earth. Follows Curse of Kings
Summary: Methos returns to Sean a few months early, and for good reason.

Hunting in Darkness. Follows Scars on Earth.
Summary: Methos returns with his compulsion temporarily sated, and Sean helps him clear the fog from his earliest memories.

Recovery Room. Follows Hunting in Darkness.
Summary: A little later the same evening; Methos remembers more of his early life, and gets a few more clues about the causes of his compulsion.

Shadow of the Swan, at AO3, at HLFiction
Summary:  Duncan's been feeling a bit off lately -- angry, edgy, annoyed. There's a reason for that. The Dark Quickening he suffered never really was entirely defeated.

Summary: Richie is kidnapped and raped by a woman. How does he react and how do Duncan and Tessa deal with the consequences?

Forget About Forgiving
Summary: Gregor from season two, finds Richie to apologize and things develope. A few things are learned of Richie's past as well...

Mentors, on AO3, on HLFiction. Crossover with Stargate Atlantis.
Summary: Elizabeth Weir would have loved to take one of her psychology instructors to Atlantis with her.

Sticks and Stones, part 2 of the Opportunities-verse Summary: "Amanda. Did you actually propose that we not only steal the real Stone of Destiny -- whose location you two 'just happen' to know -- but that we then trade it out for the fake in Edinburgh Castle? Have you forgotten which way thieving works?"

Therapeutic, on AO3, on HLFiction.
Summary: When you've been having nightmares for weeks, it's time to talk to someone. Sean may be dead, but Duncan does have his quickening....

Winter Waltz, on AO3, on HLFiction. Crossover with Buffy: the Vampire Slayer.
Summary: Sean Burns' clinic is open to those in need, but his oaths are to the living, not the dead. Original post on Dreamwidth | Leave a comment on DW | Read
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Given the new LJ 'design' decisions, please comment on DW if you can.

characters: sean burns, fandoms: highlander

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