That Matthew McCormick fic post

Nov 05, 2010 23:27

Matthew McCormick/Matthew of Salisbury fic: (i.e., Highlander fic)

Please note, this is not a 'recs list' per se; this is simply a list of all the fic we could find with Matthew McCormick in it. It includes some WIPs and at least one fic amnesty posting, with summaries where the author had one and links to AO3 and/or HLFiction where possible. If it has a warning of NB, the story is an unfinished fic, but that warning is given by specific stories. Auberus, at the least, has both WIPs and completed fic on this list.

If you have links for me to add, LJ or DW IDs to add or correct, better URLs, or what have you, please drop a reply and I'll update this periodically! Especially if you have fic; I'm almost scared to wade in there, sorry.  It'll be in my links list on both DW and LJ.

First, the canon data on Matthew:

Born 1222, first death 1255. Noble's son (Matthew of Salisbury), a knight, killed in a joust when a rival had the blunted tips on his lance removed. Taught by Ceirdwyn, who was a student of Marcus Constantine. Matthew was Sheriff of Nottingham in time to hang and then train Cory Raines (b. 1256, first death 1285). Matthew's other known occupations: Texas Ranger dates unknown, Pinkerton agent (United States detective agency started 1850) dates unknown, FBI agent as of 1995 ('that serial killer guy', specialized in hunting serial killers, bombers, mass murderers, etc, per comments during "Manhunt").  And I can tell you that the FBI now requires people to rotate out of profiling after X number of months:  I think it's currently 18 months, but that data may be incorrect depending on when you read this.

That's pretty much all we know. We don't his names between Salisbury and McCormick. We don't know why an English noble is using a Scottish surname, or why he moved to the States, or when. We're not even certain he fought in the Civil War, although a lot of us think he probably did given that he lived in Louisiana in 1859.

Updated 9th March, 2014:  Added new stories by Auberus & Lferion -- Line and Column, Eliyes AO3 -- After Letting Go, Lady Silver AO3 -- Troll the Ancient, and Springwoof -- Halema'uma'u, or The New Tattoo with art by Galadriel34 AO3. Three new authors? Yay!

AD Absolutely:
Summary: Kidnapped and isolated, Methos survives.

Summary: This is the way the Gathering ends; not with a bang but a whimper.

NB: This fic is a work in progress, and may or may not be completed due to RL. Read at your own risk.
As In The Best It Is, Ch. 1 and Ch. 2
Summary: Matthew McCormick is faced with one of the first serial killings in American history.
Cardinal Experiences
Summary: Ten first times for Cory Raines. (Thirteen if you squint.)

(with Lferion)
Line and Column
Summary: In the midst of preparing for war, Lord John Grey and Matthew of Salisbury make an unexpected connection.

(with Morgynleri)
The Favor of a Goddess: on LJ, or on AO3
Summary: A raven takes flight, and a king wakes to a renewed life.

NB: This fic is a work in progress and may or may not be completed due to RL. Read at your own risk.
Recognition, (crossover with NCIS)
Summary: It was probably inevitable, given the number of law enforcement agencies with which Matthew had collaborated during his time with the FBI, that he would eventually encounter someone with whom he had worked in those years.

Silver Nitrate, Holy Water (Crossover with Anita Blake)
Summary: The secret to being interrogated is to remember that, if you know what you're doing, you can learn as much - if not more - from your interrogator than he will learn from you.

(with Morgynleri)
Soldiers (Crossover with Magnificent 7 and the X-Men)
Summary: There are things one simply does not do, including betray one's men's trust. Matthew McCormick is bound to make sure the men who protected him from a murderous lieutenant are not harmed by their captain's betrayal.

Untitled drabble:

Untitled crossover with Supernatural: Ch. 1, Ch. 2

Carin Lamontagne:
The First to Leave, (Second in Immortal Beloved series)
Summary: The loss of a loved one can be difficult for anyone -- even an Immortal.

Immortal Beloved, (First in the Immortal Beloved series)
Summary: Immortality doesn't only affect the lives of the bearers. There are those with shorter time lines affected just as deeply.

Passing the Torch, (Fourth and final installment in the "Immortal Beloved" series)
Summary: Matthew finally says goodbye to Emma.

Simple Gifts, (Third in the "Immortal Beloved" series)
Summary: Sometimes the best gifts are the simple ones.

Cathryn Bauer:
The Heisenberg Principle, (Sequel to "Of Swords and Harpsichords")
Summary: Sean Burns and Marta, his mortal lover, settle into a deepening partnership. But there's one aspect of Immortality that Sean thought too trivial to mention. This story follows closely on the events in Of Swords and Harpsichords which I recommend reading before this one.

The Assassin, (Sequel to "Ghost Stories" and takes place several months after the end of that story. Can stand alone.)
Summary: An Immortal Assassin is killing in France and Mac must stop him, even though he fears the man is an old friend!

Snow, Day Six, (slash; part of a longer series, found here:)
Summary: Finally, the funeral.

Thaw, (slash, final of a series; see Snow, q.v.)
Summary: The end of the Snow series.

DSW Diane:
A Bang-up Job in Carson Wells, (Crossover with Lonesome Dove)
Summary: Cory and Fitz are on the lam from a botched robbery in Europe. Connor is taking them to Carson Wells at the request of Colonel Clay Mosby who has asked for assistance. Adventures occur.

After Letting Go
Summary: "How's the forty-second state?" asked a voice almost as familiar to him as his own. Cory. Matthew's eyebrows raised even as his shoulders relaxed slightly. (A counter-intuitive reaction, given how much trouble Cory tended to trail in his wake, but it was always nice to have proof-of-life.)

Emby Quinn:
Time and Again 8 -- The Shadow of Death
Summary: Immortals never age, and can heal almost any wound, but the simple truth is that no one lives forever...and even the oldest among them can die.

Storm Surge, website (Crossover with X-Files. Other fic in this universe is Methos/Mulder slash, and links can be found here.)
Summary: His AD is trying to drive him to quit, he's dreaming while he's awake, he has a case which refuses to be normal, and Agent Matthew McCormick, an old friend from Quantico, may not be what he seems. It's not shaping up to be one of Mulder's better months.

One Common Wire, One Silver Thread, on AO3, on HL Fiction
Summary: Somewhere along the way, it became less about staying one step ahead of the hunters, and more about living, about choosing your weapon and choosing your ground. Sequel to Missed Connections.

Justin P:
To Catch A Thief
Summary: Matthew's dealt with a lot of thieves over the years, but few of them were this much trouble.

I Don't Like Gravy:
Manhunt, (Part 10 of the Watcher!Abby series; previous chapters link from this one at AO3. Crossover with NCIS)
Summary: The hunt for the serial killer that attacked Methos begins and the FBI want a joint investigation.

Shadow Dance
Summary:  1967 and Methos finds himself trapped on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain. While biding his time until he can get out, he meets an intriguing young student named Henrietta, and the meeting may affect both of theirs lives for a long time to come.

A New Adventure (Crossover with Indiana Jones)
Summary: Some of the most interesting things can come at the most interesting times.

Silver Bells, (Crossover with Torchwood)
Summary: "The date was December 24th, 1870." Jack finds himself in the South come Christmas time, searching for a new life after Ellis Island. What he finds is a guide and much-needed answers.

Untitled, unfinished snippets. NB: These are unfinished and likely to remain that way. Read at your own risk.
Snippet 1
Snippet 2

wWaylaid, (slash)
Summary: A fateful meeting of two Immortals in 1715 results in an unexpected friendship.

Lady Silver:
Troll the Ancient
Summary: To celebrate Christmas, Cory has planned a specific heist for which he's going to need some very old help.

Leslie Fish:
Whited Sepulcher
Summary: In 1952 Connor meets with Matthew McCormick, and learns just what a bunch of bigots Hoover's Heroes really were.

Khan Noonien Singh to Agent Matthew McCormick
Summary: For the postcards meme.

Irreconcilable Differences, (sequel is Reconciliation, q.v.)
Summary: None given

Reconciliation, (sequel to Irreconcilable Differences, q.v.)
Summary: "He didn't do it," she smiles, "Matthew didn't do it."

Half-Dreaming of Death
Summary: He grips the hand as tightly as he might, and surrenders to the strange half-world that lies between death and waking.

Morgynleri (& Auberus):
The Death of Regulus Black
Summary: Regulus wanted someone who didn't think that lethal valuables were nothing more than an irritation while ransacking a house. And who might be able to help him with the fact he didn't think this through as much as he's really wishing he had.

The Favor of a Goddess, on LJ, on AO3
Summary: A raven takes flight, and a king wakes to a renewed life.

Soldiers (with Auberus) (Crossover with Magnificent 7 and X-Men)
Summary: There are things one simply does not do, including betray one's men's trust. Matthew McCormick is bound to make sure the men who protected him from a murderous lieutenant are not harmed by their captain's betrayal.

Summary: God moves in mysterious ways

Raine Wynd:
Arms Against the Darkness, on HL Fiction, on AO3 (Crossover with Witchblade)
Summary: Late one night, Sara Pezzini decides not to be alone.

Changing the Status Quo (Crossover with Witchblade)
Summary: When a friend invited Sara to spend some time in a Canadian shack, Sara decided to take a chance on something new.

Down Came A Blackbird, on HL Fiction, on AO3
Summary: When you're a new immortal, Fate isn't always kind...

A Fine Mess, on HL Fiction, on A03 (Crossover with Hawai'i 5-0 (2010))
Summary: Getting out of trouble's a lot harder when you're used to being on one side of the badge.

A Loaded Smile
Summary: What's a once burned, twice shy man to do when a charming thief wants his heart? Tread carefully, and watch out for that loaded smile, of course. (Part 2 of Nick's Troubles.)

Nothing Like This
Summary: Nick Wolfe didn't know what day it was; he just knew he was in trouble. (Part 1 of Nick's Troubles.)

One Good Man (Crossover with the Sentinel)
Summary: Simon meets the new FBI agent in town and sparks fly.

Summary: There are a lot of things people say about Cory Raines, but no one ever says he won't pay off a bet.

Along the Fault Lines
Summary: Duncan wanted a vacation in the mountains. Instead he gets to help an old friend out of a bind. Hard work, but not without its pleasures. (Not part of Southern Comfort series.)

Appearances, on HL Fiction, on AO3 (Crossover with Magnificent 7)
Summary: Matthew McCormick gets arrested in Four Corners because the local lawmen don't appreciate some of his answers to their questions. For that matter some of them don't appreciate his questions, either. Alternately a comedy of errors, an intrigue, and slash, this will probably end up being known as the story with the skunk. (I'm told this makes sense even if you don't know Magnificent 7.)

Born To Be Hung
Summary: Who arrested who when?

De Profundis, on HL Fiction, on AO3
Summary: Reverend Bell's musings on Carl and Matthew, on Carl and Derek, on the Game, on immortality, and on families of choice.

Doppelganger, on HL Fiction, on AO3, (Crossover with X-Files) (first in a series, next is Storm Crow q.v.)
Summary: Four murders, by four different people, in a small town -- but all four have rock-solid alibis at the time of the murder, and that's driving Matthew McCormick to distraction. A doppelganger starts to seem more possible when Cory's mortal, one-armed twin shows up in the town diner.

Form & Substance, on HL Fiction, on AO3 (slash, second in a series; first is Reflections, q.v., next is Shades, q.v.)
Summary: Reunions, encounters, and more innuendo at an auction. Duncan's next encounter with Matthew leads them to wonder what they want, and from whom.

Grey Cats In The Dark, on HL Fiction, on AO3 (Crossover with X-Files)
Summary: The best alibi is an identical twin no one knows exists.

Horseshoes, Hand Grenades, Homicidal Maniacs, on HLFiction, on AO3 (Crossover with X-Files)
Summary: Hunting serial killers is not for the weak of heart.

Hot Pursuit, on HL Fiction, on AO3, (Crossover with due South)
Summary: Law enforcement officers can't resist hot pursuit. 800 year old FBI agents are no exception to this rule, especially when it's a Mountie in a speeding carriage chasing a wolf through Chicago.

Mismatched Pieces (Crossover with Marvel Movies Universe
Summary: Very few targets survive the Winter Soldier.

Oops Is A Four-Letter Word (Aidanverse AU)
Summary:  Mischief, havoc, and misinformation come home to roost.... Also known as, 'practical jokes can backfire.'

Parched, on HL Fiction, on AO3
Summary: It wasn't just a duel; it was deliberate, premeditated murder. It also left Matthew wondering why he did it.

Persona Non Grata, on HL Fiction, on AO3
Summary: Did you ever wonder what stopped Cory & Amanda's five-state bank robbing spree?

Reflections, on HL Fiction, on AO3 (first in a series, next is Form & Substance q.v., slash)
Summary: Duncan needed someone to talk to after Richie died and Methos vanished. Matthew McCormick walked by. No one expected the results.

Sanguine, on HL Fiction, on AO3
Summary: Ceridwyn, Matthew of Salisbury, and Alex Raven are hunting a man with a taste for blades, and their best source of information is a former sailer who Sees things in cards. It's 1888, and the hunting ground is London....

Shades, on HL Fiction, on AO3 (Slash; crossover with X-Files. 3rd in a series; first two are Reflections and Form & Substance, q.v.)
Summary: Matthew's moving; Duncan's getting on with his life; and their friends are commenting.

Summary: Faith, loyalty, friendship, honor... and hatred, jealousy, envy, and desire. War and love, torture and healing -- this isn't even the Game, or not just. This is a line war. (Part 11 of the Line War.)

Souls Unbodied, on AO3, on HL Fiction, on website
Summary: "Scottish Mummy A Fake?", a.k.a. "How many people does it take to steal one mummy?"

Sparring, on HL Fiction, on AO3 (slash, 4th in a series, after Reflections, Form & Substance, and Shades, q.v.)
Summary: Flirting, innuendo, and swordplay -- what more do you want from a vignette?

Storm Crow, on HL Fiction, on AO3 (Slash, crossover with X-Files. 2nd in a series; first is Doppelganger, q.v.)
Summary: Krycek, McCormick, and preparations for an impending alien invasion. "If you're expecting me to admit that was checkmate, I'm afraid you've mistaken the situation."

Halema'uma'u, or The New Tattoo with art here by Galadriel34.
Summary: An international terrorist, with an unusual interest in volcanoes, has come to Hawai'i. Immortal FBI Agent Matthew McCormick is on his trail and seeks the help of the Five-0 team-then things get really explosive!Steve and Danny sure picked a bad time to decide that their flirting might mean something more. And what's with that funny new tattoo on Chin's wrist?(an H50/Highlander crossover) Written for the Hawaii Five-0 Big Bang, five0bang (crossover with Hawaii Five-0, obviously, and Stargate Atlantis)

All The World's A Stage, website
Summary: Amanda, Matt McCormick, and a police station. (Written for an ABC challenge.)

At The Root Of The World Tree, website (sequel to Syni Molniya, q.v.)
Summary: Duncan MacLeod had Connor. Connor MacLeod had Ramirez. What if an immortal had... no one? And nothing to go on but old stories and legends... and the immortals who found him? Who'd go looking then?

Syni Molniya, website (not much Matthew, but he shows up right at the end; prequel to At The Root Of The World Tree, q.v.)
Summary: It's the oldest tale I know, that of the syni molniya. It stretches back to the beginnings of our family, our world; forward to time immemorial. The long-lived ones, who look just like any other unless you cut them, who walk the world with wary eyes and call the lightning from clear skies. Like the other tales of my childhood, I never doubted its truth.

NB: This is an amnesty work. It's unfinished and will remain so. Read at your own risk! (Also, sequel to Joy, Watchfulness, Wishing, which is complete.)
Revenge of the Plastic Hand, or, How Matthew McCormick Spent His Summer Vacation. (Crossover with X-Files)
Summary: see title. Original post on Dreamwidth | Leave a comment on DW | Read
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Given the new LJ 'design' decisions, please comment on DW if you can.

characters: matthew mccormick, fandoms: highlander

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