Rebecca Horne fic list

Mar 06, 2011 22:06

Rebecca Horne fic:
(i.e., Highlander fic)

Please note, this is not a 'recs list' per se; this is simply a list of all the fic we could find with Rebecca Horne in it. It includes one WIP, which is warned for. The story titles include summaries where the author had them and links to AO3 and/or HLFiction where possible. If it has a warning of NB, the story is an unfinished fic, but that warning is given by specific stories.

If you have links for me to add, LJ or DW IDs to add or correct, better URLs, or what have you, please drop a reply and I'll update this periodically! Especially if you have fic; I'm almost scared to wade in there, sorry. This list will be listed in in my links list on both DW and LJ.

First the canon data on Rebecca (from the Watcher CD):  She was born somewhere around 1200 BCE in Mycenae. At the age of 35, she became Immortal after being killed by a jealous slave.  The only students we know about are Amanda, Luther (who killed Rebecca and, he claimed, her other students for their pieces of the Methuselah Stone), and Henri Valjean (whom I don't remember seeing in the show).  She died in 1994, killed by Luther who said he'd kill her husband if she didn't surrender.  Student of Aganesthes of Tiryns (never seen in the show).

Many thanks to
raine and
sharpest_asp , who both helped provide links for this.

Updated 9th Mar 2014: Added stories by Eliyes -- Old Skils, New Tricks, and Fanlass -- Drunken Tales -- A Story of Love and Loss. Two new Rebecca authors -- yay!

Ailis Neftzer
The Gift of the Really Old Guy
Summary: Before malls, before mangers, Methos and Rebecca shop for solstice gifts.

Love's Vengeance (NB: WIP, last updated 2008)
Summary: An immortal learned that Rebecca, who he loved was killed. He goes on a path of vengeance to destroy the one responsible, not knowing that he was already dead. His friends Amanda, and Duncan MacLeod attempt to stop his needless bloodshed. This fanfic takes place between the end of Season 2, and the start of season 3. It continues the events from the episode "Legacy".

A Fashionable Love Affair
Summary: Follow Amanda and Rebecca through the centuries

A New Life Or Something Like It
Summary: In 1347, Methos was looking for a new life. He found it in Norfolk, of all places, in a midst of a court case. And he should always listen to Rebecca.

Names and Obligations at AO3, at HLFiction (listed as not completed as of 12/27/09, but it does seem to read as complete)
Summary: Ever wondered how an alias ‘Rebecca Horne’ turned into a permanent name?

Once in Rome at AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: Methos and Rebecca had history, right? This is my view on the beginning of it. Takes place in Ancient Rome with flashbacks to Ancient Greece.

Past and Present, Hand In Hand, on AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: Methos is trippin' - or tripping down the memory lane.

Carin Lamontagne
Solitude Standing
Summary: An old friend turns up unexpectedly, forcing Methos and Amanda to relive the past and help direct the present.

Cathryn Bauer
Summary: Amanda races to Rebecca to demand asylum from her first Immortal challenge. This short piece explores her thoughts and feelings about her student years with Rebecca.

After the Séance (Crossover with the Shadow) Summary: Margot and Rebecca go to a séance. (Part 2 of the Friendship of Margot and Rebecca)

The Hat Thereat, at AO3 (Crossover with The Shadow)
Margot makes a new friend while shopping for hats. (Part 1 of the Friendship of Margot and Rebecca)

One Heel On and One Heel Gone Summary: Revenge is a dish best leaving your delicious plate of risotto behind and following a bad Immortal through dark streets and into darker warehouses. Thank goodness Rebecca knows which end of the sword is pointy.

Old Skills, New Tricks Summary: In the 1660s, Methos and Rebecca were briefly neighbours and had a friendly chat.

Fanlass Drunken Tales -- A Story of Love and Loss
Summary: The story takes place when Macleod, Joe, Richie, Methos and Amanda are gathered at the annual Memorial Toast for Rebecca, on April 23, the anniversary of when she died.

MacLeod shows up with a guest, Ceirdwyn. She and Methos tell a story of long ago while they are drinking heavily. The tale takes place by why of flashbacks mostly in the year 805 AD, in the part of the world that eventually became known as France. It’s a story of adventure and how true love can triumph even among meddling Immortals and bumbling mistakes. This story flips back and forth between the present and the past with both Ceirdwyn and Methos both telling the story. See Darius, Marcus Constantine, Ceirdwyn, Rebecca and Methos deal with political intrigue back in the Dark Age France.

It’s just an old love story where everything that possibly can go wrong in the past and in the present, doses. And asks the question can love still triumph despite all adversity?

Gary Whelan
Summary: Marcusius carries on his journey to discover who and what he is. After training Rebecca (Amanda's teacher),and giving her Methuselah crystals he settles down and tries to have a family. After years of staying out of the game he is finally found by an old adversary, General Darius, leading to a final show down at the gates of Paris.

Cast Your Eyes on the Ocean (Crossover with Xena)
Summary: Xena and Gabrielle receive word that Ares is massing armies, and they prepare for the final showdown.

When the Dark Night Seems Endless (sequel to Cast Your Soul to the Sea)
Summary: After Xena's death, Gabrielle must face life alone.

A Lady's Occupation
No summary given

methos' journal: entries (Linked with author's permission.)
Summary: Some entries from Methos' journal. What if Methos really did know everyone? ( LOL)

Jen Thrailkill
Chris Chronicles, Book 1
No summary given

Jinxed Wood
The Final Stage, part 3 of Methuselah's Secret Summary: All things must pass...

Five Times Amanda Broke In To Leave Something
Summary: Written for Tygermama as part of the five times meme...

Hang High the Raven Banner
Summary: Joe watches on, as Methos tries to keep the peace between two Immortals in order to honour a promise made to Rebecca.

A Lesson Learned, on AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: Because some lessons can't be learned by rote...

A Little Like Fate on AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: The rain drummed against the thick, warped glass, and Rebecca put her hand to it, palm flat, and tried to keep her mind still; but the bell still rang out in the distance, a grim messenger that never let go…

Provenance Unknown
Summary: A traveller visits Rebecca's castle, bearing a mystery.

The Snow Queen
Summary: A rather silly and somewhat strange retelling of the Hans Christian Andersen story.

Leslie Fish
Sins of Omission XVI: Hard Lessons, at HLFiction, at Seventh Dimension
No summary given

Girl's Night
Summary: Amanda and Rebecca go to a party.

Immortals and Time

Summary:  Twelve Drabbles concerning Immortals and their lives

Maxine Meyer
Summary: Around the time of Kalas' threat we learn that Methos has been watching MacLeod for a long time. He's also known Amanda for a long time! Flashbacks with Amanda, Rebecca and Darius

Daring Do Summary: Amanda contemplates a new purchase
Five Glimpses of Isaac Summary: In which Rebecca is a man...
Five Moments for the Spanish Egyptian Summary: Ramirez's life in snapshots, as a woman
It Was Just An Introduction
Summary: Amanda thought quick...

Lighting the Darkness of Winter (Amanda/Rebecca) at AO3, at
No summary given

A Moment of Peace
Summary: Rebecca has to say the word...

Raising Spirits Summary: Rebecca has come to meet someone
Together At Last
Summary: Endgame means endings...and reunions.

Highlander: The Series - Returns! A tribute from the musicians of season seven Summary: Twenty years after the first season of the series aired, let's say a seventh season got made. As was done before, musicians could be cast in roles both mortal and Immortal. And then why not a tribute album? Nine characters, eight episodes, eight songs.

Names Familiar and Not
Summary: Crouching, he traced the lines of a name that was both familiar and not. It wasn't the name he first knew her by, and he wished it hadn't been the last.

Memories in Fading Light (on FFNet)
Summary: After unexpectedly running into each other in a Paris cemetery, Amanda and Methos reminisce about their first meeting: at Rebecca's abbey in St. Anne while Amanda was still in residence as Rebecca's student.

Fundamental Things
No summary provided

On That You Can Rely
No summary provided

When Two Lovers Woo
No summary provided

Still The Same Old Story
No summary provided

Idols are Broke at AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: Shortly after the events of 'Legacy', Amanda goes at night to Rebecca's grave to reflect. She remembers a 'last night' they shared long ago.

Time After Time
Summary: Through the years, Amanda and Rebecca have always shared a special bond. (Amanda/Rebecca)

Home Again, Home Again, at AO3
Summary: Written for the Anon prompt: Not particularly bothered what period, but I would dearly love anything detailing a loving undressing with laces and corsets and silk and shoe buttons and buttonhooks and peeled off gloves...
Amanda and Rebecca come home late at night....

Rachel Trench
The Prize
Summary: And then there was one...

Raine Wynd
A Tasteful Memory
Summary: Love, remembered.

A Turning of Hands (Crossover with Witchblade), at AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: The Witchblade's journey to find a wielder continues with some help from Rebecca.

Randy Ferrance, aka Doc Anvil
Wonder (In The Company Of Angels)
No summary given

Antiquities (Crossover with Stargate: SG-1) at AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: It would take a lot of gall to break into Rebecca Horne's house.

Compass Point (Crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean)
Summary: Some things demand a search.

The Devil's Own (Crossover with X-Files) at AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: "Judging by the preliminaries, this idiot thinks he can practice black magic and we're the practice exercises. And you can call me Amanda, gorgeous. At least, I suspect you're usually gorgeous. You were a little bloody when they brought you in."

Kindred Spirits at AO3, at HLFiction (Crossover with Leverage)
Summary: Rebeca learned about cons from one of the best.

Live and Let Die at AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: Rebecca, some students, and a dilemma. Somewhat dark, I'm afraid.

Signal (Crossover with Stargate: SG-1; sequel to Antiquities) at AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: After 3000 years, Rebecca has learned to recognize something as potentially dangerous. She's also learned when to ask for help.

Sticks and Stones (Crossover with Marvel Movies Universe; part 2 of the Opportunities-verse) Summary: "Amanda. Did you actually propose that we not only steal the real Stone of Destiny -- whose location you two 'just happen' to know -- but that we then trade it out for the fake in Edinburgh Castle? Have you forgotten which way thieving works?"

Unexpected Allies
Summary: Written for a 'Not!Fic' meme: fandom(s)/character(s), and a trope from a list. This is what I came up with for Steve, Rebecca, and 'Pretending to be married.'

Roxanne Longstreet Conrad:
Wolves and Sheep
No summary available

Sandra McDonald
You Don't Know Me
Summary: Rebecca Horne and Richie Ryan discover something in common.

Getting To Know You
Summary: Rebecca Horne uncovers a startling truth about Richie.

Do You Want To Know A Secret?
Summary: Rebecca struggles with her dilemma over Richie.

When Immortals Gather
No summary available

Summary:  England, 851 ACE, a year after Amanda's first death. Two Immortals seek very different prizes.

Sylvia Volk
Gogmagog pt 1, 2, 3, 4
No summary provided

The Good Teacher
No summary provided

That Which Survives
No summary provided; Rebecca is using the name Miriam for most of the story.

The Dread Pirate Methos
No summary provided

Friending Meme Drabbles (Crossovers with Sherlock (BBC) for the HL part; Rebecca is in Ch. 3) No summary provided

First Kiss
Summary: If it didn't happen then, when did it?

So… at AO3, at HLFiction
Summary: So the sex comes at the beginning.

Alone in Memories
Summary: Amanda has never forgotten Rebecca.

Foolish Dreams
Summary: Rebecca Horne had such dreams for her students. Were those dreams misguided?

Passing Storm
Summary: "Because that is the way it must be." Amanda must go, even if it will break Rebecca's heart.

The Journey, at HLFiction, at Seventh Dimension
Summary: Methos meets Rebecca centuries later. Original post on Dreamwidth | Leave a comment on DW | Read
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Given the new LJ 'design' decisions, please comment on DW if you can.

characters: rebecca horne, fandoms: highlander

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