Reaction to #7

Mar 14, 2012 12:04

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Comments 42

penny_lane_42 March 14 2012, 16:27:23 UTC

I was going to say things and ask questions about Buffy and Spike's interaction, but then I got to that last bit and all I can do is say



gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 16:38:50 UTC
I KNOW, RIGHT?!? Blech.

I miss the show.

But until the ending, the rest of the issue was satisfying. I mean, the Spuffy stuff was depressing on Buffy's side of things, but it was fantastic on Spike's. I have mixed feelings b/c on the one hand, the relationship conversation is decently written, but OTOH, the lack of resolution is incredibly frustrating. Joss is never going to let Buffy and Spike be happy together in a lasting relationship, and I'm sick of the waffling and stringing us along.


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gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 17:52:08 UTC
Although it does sort of fit with his 'give up the day job' line in Something Blue.

True, although he is evil there, and her day job was hunting his kind. I always thought it was a bit weird, too.

well hell it's Buffy and Spike being declarative about feelings which is never not worth seeing.

That was gratifying, even though I didn't like the outcome.

s7!Buffy is Buffy to me.

Exactly! S9!Buffy is lamentably foreign to me.

There's some serious cognitive dissonance going on here.

Great way to describe it.

in my head!canon he's totally the kind of guy who wants to be a dad anyway

Oh, yeah, that's definitely mine, too. I think it was easy to make that assumption even before the comics. And even if he weren't a parental type in general, he'd definitely be that way for Buffy's baby.

And he's pretty much unconcerned? Fuck Chambliss and Whedon for pissing all over Spike's reaction to the bot in Bargaining. I loved those scenes so much and now this. /rages



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gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 18:32:16 UTC
I know it's a fool's hope but honestly, I wish Joss and co would just let Buffy and Spike's relationship run its natural course without stupid OTT obstacles getting in the way all the time (robot arm I'm looking at you!) or just shut the ship down canonically altogether so the shippers will know where they stand.

Yeah, I mean, I'd even be "okay" with Buffy telling Spike flat-out she doesn't want him that way (I wouldn't be happy about it, obviously). I'm not okay with the writers contriving to prolong and stall the resolution as they did here. It reeks of silly rom-com tropes.


snickfic March 14 2012, 17:14:21 UTC
I. What?

There's robot!Buffy and... some other Buffy? One of which is pregnant? Maybe? I feel I need a point-by-point explanation, possibly with diagrams, before I can even start to react.

Does anyone know where I might find such a thing? (Because heaven forbid I actually go hunt down the issue and read it. :P)


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 17:41:39 UTC
I. What?

Exactly. It was revealed at the end of this issue that Buffy is actually a robot (a zompire ripped off her arm, revealing all the circuitry). We don't know when she was switched, though. So it's possible that she's been a robot the whole time and was never pregnant, or it's possible that she was switched very recently and her body is somewhere gestating the baby. :/ Either way, it's awful. I'm betting on the second scenario because (a) why would a robot think it was pregnant in the first place and (b) why would Joss make the pregnancy a non-issue when he can write a horrible, misogynistic storyline about it?

Stormwreath's reviews normally go through the issue point-by-point. His isn't up yet, but I'd check that out in the next few days. It won't be brief, but it will give you all the gory details.


snickfic March 14 2012, 17:44:09 UTC
So is this just a robot that looks like / thinks it is Buffy, or just it actually contain Buffy's consciousness? Whatever that means? Or do we just not know yet?

Why oh why did I delete my S8 icon. I knew I wasn't done using it...


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 18:00:35 UTC
We don't actually know that either, but I'm guessing it's actually Buffy's consciousness. After all, if it weren't Buffy, Joss could have ripped our hearts out by having the bot confess love to Spike and then revealing that "whoops, it wasn't actually Buffy!"


rahirah March 14 2012, 19:41:09 UTC
Also, I feel so vindicated by “’Cause I don’t want to be the dark place you run to when things aren’t working” because I hated that "dark place" line back in #40 and everyone else was like, “OH MY GOD IT’S THE BEST THING EVER.”



gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 19:46:57 UTC
IT IS SO EXCELLENT! I'm so happy he respects himself enough now to be able to admit what he does and does not want.


eilowyn March 14 2012, 21:39:42 UTC
I don't know if it's because I'm burned out on school, or my feelings towards my fannish life have changed recently, or if I'm just used to WTFery in the comics, but I'm mostly numb on this one. My tummy's doing flip-flops at the body violation implications of the big reveal, but my head is just kind of "meh" about it all. I think Joss has finally broke me.


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 22:04:47 UTC
I think I would be numb or 'meh' about it, too (because I don't consider the comics canon, so honestly, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter to me what bizarre stuff happens), if it weren't for Joss having made such a big deal about the abortion storyline. Basically, he's been lying to the press to strengthen his "feminist" reputation, and that's disgusting. Words can't express how sleazy I think he is right now.


eilowyn March 14 2012, 22:20:33 UTC
Yeah. Pretty sleazy. He had his big promotional moment, now it's back to the same-old crack.


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 23:46:15 UTC
To quote Daffy Duck, "Dessspppicable." I need a gif of that...


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