Reaction to #7

Mar 14, 2012 12:04

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snickfic March 14 2012, 17:14:21 UTC
I. What?

There's robot!Buffy and... some other Buffy? One of which is pregnant? Maybe? I feel I need a point-by-point explanation, possibly with diagrams, before I can even start to react.

Does anyone know where I might find such a thing? (Because heaven forbid I actually go hunt down the issue and read it. :P)


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 17:41:39 UTC
I. What?

Exactly. It was revealed at the end of this issue that Buffy is actually a robot (a zompire ripped off her arm, revealing all the circuitry). We don't know when she was switched, though. So it's possible that she's been a robot the whole time and was never pregnant, or it's possible that she was switched very recently and her body is somewhere gestating the baby. :/ Either way, it's awful. I'm betting on the second scenario because (a) why would a robot think it was pregnant in the first place and (b) why would Joss make the pregnancy a non-issue when he can write a horrible, misogynistic storyline about it?

Stormwreath's reviews normally go through the issue point-by-point. His isn't up yet, but I'd check that out in the next few days. It won't be brief, but it will give you all the gory details.


snickfic March 14 2012, 17:44:09 UTC
So is this just a robot that looks like / thinks it is Buffy, or just it actually contain Buffy's consciousness? Whatever that means? Or do we just not know yet?

Why oh why did I delete my S8 icon. I knew I wasn't done using it...


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 18:00:35 UTC
We don't actually know that either, but I'm guessing it's actually Buffy's consciousness. After all, if it weren't Buffy, Joss could have ripped our hearts out by having the bot confess love to Spike and then revealing that "whoops, it wasn't actually Buffy!"


snickfic March 14 2012, 19:39:48 UTC
Unfortunately, your logic sounds exactly right.

Is this the new stupidest plotline ever? I'm leaning towards yes, but possibly that's just because I've forgotten things.


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 19:49:47 UTC
I think Angel-as-Twilight-and-space-frakking might still be the stupidest plotline ever in the comics, although this is giving that a run for its money. Unless we're counting the whole Buffyverse, in which case, faux-Cordelia will always take the cake. :P


snickfic March 14 2012, 19:51:32 UTC
I dunno. I think this might very well be stupider than faux-Cordelia; the reason I care more about faux-Cordelia is because it actually happened in, yanno, canon. These comics, they are not my canon.


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 19:55:43 UTC
Oh, I don't mean I care less about faux-Cordelia. I call it stupider partly because it mattered more...because it was canon...


penny_lane_42 March 14 2012, 17:47:18 UTC
This is why we shouldn't trust him when it comes to these kinds of stories. If the story doesn't have anything to do with sex or parenthood, he can create some really excellent stories that I love. But as soon as those things enter the equation, we should all run screaming in the other direction.


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 17:56:59 UTC
THIS. Yes. Exactly. And I don't understand it because he's happily married. He has children. Why does he treat sex/pregnancy like it's evil? For that matter, why doesn't he write long-lasting, functional relationships or marriage? He's in one, so he should believe in them! It really makes me wonder what his wife thinks of these plotlines.


penny_lane_42 March 14 2012, 18:31:11 UTC
I know his parents were divorced, so maybe he's traumatized? But yeah, the only lasting relationship he's given us is Wash and Zoe and we all know how that turned out. I guess you could argue that Tony and Priya have the potential to last, too; I certainly hope they do. But out of all the relationships he's created, that's not a very high percentage.

He needs to watch Friday Night Lights, basically.


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 18:34:43 UTC
Ugh, I hate what he did to Zoe/Wash.

And interestingly, isn't Dollhouse the show that he was least involved in (besides possibly AtS)? I thought that was more of an equal partnership with his brother and SIL. So for all we know, maybe they fought for Tony/Priya...


penny_lane_42 March 14 2012, 19:18:21 UTC
Possibly. I honestly have no idea. I do like the idea of the two of them championing Tony/Priya and Joss being like "BUT I MUST MAKE THEM MISERABLE!"


gryfndor_godess March 14 2012, 19:23:40 UTC
Heh, yeah... Oh, Joss. To quote one of the characters he did his best to ruin, "God, what is your childhood trauma?!?"


angearia March 15 2012, 02:01:44 UTC
Dollhouse is like Whedon's brain to the nth degree, though. All the themes he loves exploring are dialed up to OVERWHELMING. That's his baby, in a way that no other show is besides Buffy.

And you can see how Dollhouse is spilling over into Buffy now. You could see it back in Season 8, too.

Andrew = Topher. Topher = Andrew. (And both are Dr. Horrible.)


gryfndor_godess March 15 2012, 02:21:02 UTC
That's his baby, in a way that no other show is besides Buffy.

I'd argue that Firefly is his baby more than any other show besides Buffy. That's the one that he still talks about wanting to do a decade later.

But yeah, "Whedon's brain to the nth degree" is a good way of describing DH. I dunno, I feel like I read years ago back when it was on air that Jed and Maurissa actually did a lot of the day-to-day work for the show. My impression was that Joss came up with the plot and themes but wasn't actually involved much in the mechanics of it. I could be wrong, though.

Andrew = Topher. Topher = Andrew. (And both are Dr. Horrible.)

Yeeeaaahhh. And it makes me sad because I was starting to really like Andrew. :/ Oh well. At least I still have real!Andrew show!Andrew.


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