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Comments 9

olukemi May 10 2013, 17:22:44 UTC
Ahh, yes, yes! All of this! I hadn't realized the KKBB vibe until you mentioned it, but it's definitely there. And while I'm not a huge Gwyneth fan, her Pepper is flawless and I really love her relationship with Tony, too.

And the credit cookie! That was amazing! It drives me nuts in movies when the narrator is talking to the audience just because, so I'm glad there was an actual reason. Also, I think Joss totally had a hand in the extra scene.

I'm not up on the comic book canon, but the Extremis thing and what was done to Pepper (and the other glowy folk) were two entirely different things. I do wonder about the "fixing" Pepper thing, too, though. Because the glitch in the experiment was the overheating/exploding. The regeneration of limbs/healing was supposed to happen so can she still do that? Or was everything "fixed" and now she's back to normal? These are answers I need!


greenapricot May 12 2013, 16:43:37 UTC
I just love Pepper more and more with every movie. She really couldn't be any more awesome ( ... )


turnonmyheels May 11 2013, 01:19:40 UTC
I read extremis back when the first IM came out and it wasn't like the movie at all. I like that they didn't try to replicate comics canon but it turned out to be an entirely different movie than I had anticipated -- I was incredibly unspoiled -- and I'm glad it was different because it was unexpected and I loved seeing Pepper get powers [she eventually gets an arc reactor and her own suit in canon ( ... )


greenapricot May 12 2013, 17:03:55 UTC
Pepper getting her own suit in canon makes me very happy. That is what I want for her, or something like it. Her keeping movie verse Extremis powers (minus the exploding as I just rambled about above) instead of or in conjunction with would be equally awesome ( ... )


turnonmyheels May 13 2013, 12:34:18 UTC
I've read a ton of speculation that Tony wouldn't have had the shrapnel/reactor removed with out having injecting himself with Extremis first, because otherwise, how could he heal from having the arc reactor in his chest in the first place. Think about it, Pepper's hand fit in it up to her wrist, human's CAN'T heal from that.

If that is the case, I hope it's explored in Avengers two because that's something so freaking HUGE to Tony that I can't believe they short cut it to the audience.

I too, am so happy to be talking about Tony again I can hardly stand it.


greenapricot May 13 2013, 22:46:05 UTC
Yes, right. Exactly. It makes me wonder if there are deleted scenes. It makes me hope there are deleted scenes and that we get to see them. But, yes, even better would be seeing it in Avengers 2 which seems very plausible. I mean Joss is a comic fan too so it's got to bug him about the arc reactor hand wave too. And they have cut more personal stuff about Tony from previous movies like the toilet scene before he jumps out of the plane in IM2.

Oh Tony, I just have so many feeling about his feelings.


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