learning to fly, around the clouds

May 06, 2013 10:24

Iron Man 3! I totally enjoyed it. It had a lot of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang-ness to it but since I also love Kiss Kiss Bang Bang that is just fine with me. Shane Black was a fantastic choice for a movie in which Tony is dealing with his shit (and often not well) and I didn't even think of that aspect before so, well done everyone.

Pepper saved Tony twice ! and "What you think I died because I fell 200 feet?" ! I love their relationship so much. I feel like it's rare to have long time love interests get together and the relationship to not shift too much and not get all sappy and jealous and weird. Tony Stark, the poster boy for (reasonably) healthy relationships with super heroes. Who would have thought.

And the whole movie was fantastic, Tony with the kid was great, the suits, the Tony and Rhodey show, but despite all of that I'm kind of blinded by the incredibly awesomeness of the fact that the entire fucking movie is Tony talking to Bruce. As I was saying to T while we were waiting through the credits, even if it's not super awesome (like the end of Iron Man 2 with Thor's hammer) I will forever and always stay for through the end of Marvel movies in hopes that the scene it will be as good as schwarma. This totally was. I actually had to hold my hand over my mouth too keep from squealing out loud. And this means that it is totally and completely canonically plausible that Tony and Pepper and Bruce are all living Stark tower now. Science Bros forever! And I'm hoping for a resurgence in Tony/Pepper/Bruce fic after this.

Also, I noticed that Joss was thanked in the credits which makes me wonder if he had anything to do with the credits scene.

Now I have some comics canon questions though, specifically about extremis and the arc reactor. Like did Tony actually have the arc reactor removed? Is that a thing? And I though in comic canon extremis was a thing that allowed Tony to talk directly to his machines, directly integrate like the thing Guy Pearce had that he put behind his ear. And are those two things related? 'Cause I really like the idea of the suits somehow being even more a part of Tony than they already are, like him actually feeling things through them. And then there's the "he sorted Pepper out thing". How exactly, and what? Did he get extremis out of her somehow? And then if he did why? Why not keep it? Does it make people crazy, have some other kind of side effect? 'Cause otherwise wouldn't Pepper having super powers be an advantage for both Pepper and Tony. Plus, she's clearly used the suits before. It makes sense, Tony knows full well that just being with him puts Pepper in danger and he's got 42 (if that's not a Hitchhiker's Guide reference I don't now what is) so it makes sense that they've done some training with them. And oh, I would read the shit out of that, Tony teaching Pepper how to use the suits, probably because she made him teach her because if she really is in danger than she shouldn't just be relying on other people.

And, as it has happened with every other movie with Tony Stark in it since Iron Man came out, I again really really want a Tony Stark vid set to Tom Petty's Learning to Fly. The more I think about it the more the song is completely about Tony.

tony stark, iron man

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