and when we first came here

Apr 04, 2013 16:13

I've been cleaning my office in preparation for eventually redesigning the space so it's more useful and I just came across a box containing a 300 page notebook almost completely full of hand written fic from 2002 and 2003 (some of it may be even earlier there are no dates), and a large (like four of five inches tall) stack of printed out SPN and Torchwood fic. I have vague recollections of using the printed fic to start fires a few years back, but I guess I must have kept my favorites. The things I used to go through in order to read fic on the go. It's so easy now with Ao3 and the ebook reader on my iPod.

I am resisting the urge to just sit down and read the notebook 1) because then I'll never get anything done and 2) because I'm not quite sure I want to know. Though in flipping through I did discover that at one point I apparently wrote a Harry Potter fic (about Harry, not any Slytherins, not on that page anyway) titled Twilight.

And that reminds me that my ten year LJ anniversary came and went last month. I feel that the only proper response to that is, "huh."

ETA: Ahaha. There is a description here, of an original character, that is basically describing Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock. I was so ahead of my time.

fandom days of yore, nostalgia

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