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greenapricot May 12 2013, 16:43:37 UTC
I just love Pepper more and more with every movie. She really couldn't be any more awesome.

After having seen it again yesterday I have decided that what happened is that Tony fixed Extremis so it won't blow but it is still in her. I mean that's what's on the back of the name card, right? He did actually come up with the formula for making it stable but probably in his hungover state he missed something critical in the scribbling it down so that's why Maya wasn't able to sort it herself. And, if he made Extremis stable and kept the regenerating powers then that explains the arc reactor thing too. I figure he injected himself with the stable Extremis to test it (not really thinking about the implications of it being in him just that he doesn't want to do the test on Pepper), but then once Pepper is stable realizes that if his body can regenerate then the surgery to get the shrapnel out is possible and once the shrapnel's gone he doesn't need the arc reactor anymore. And any damage to the tissue around his heart will be fixed and also the hole will be gone. So, basically, until it gets Jossed my head canon is that both Tony and Pepper have the regenerating part of Extremis but not the exploding part.


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