596 - Deniz überrascht Stella mit einem Zirkuszelt

Feb 05, 2009 14:12

This was meant to be a recap of 596-606 but I got to the end of 596 and it was already fucking GARGANTUAN. So yeah, no ten-episodes-in-one recap for you.
Warning1: a regretable yet unavoidable inclusion of She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. She's at the bottom, so you can avoid her if you so wish.
Warning2: there be ridiculously low-res images below the cut ( Read more... )

recap, !alles was zählt

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Comments 27

lilithilien February 5 2009, 18:14:22 UTC
Faaaaaaaabulous! This was an epi I chose to skip because Stella's gums give me nightmares (and her lips -- they've always got a scary sheen to them, like they're coated with extra-strength herpes medicine or something). And your recap is much more awesome than the real show could ever be!

She pushesandpushesandpushes and he admits he's just got it on with Roman in the changing room. Stella is heartbroken and hangs herself from the rafters with a towel. Everyone lols and Roman pirouettes on her grave before they all go to the circus for the wake. Everyone lives happily ever after. The end. HOORAY!


p.s. Stay warm!


graspthethorn February 6 2009, 14:10:21 UTC
Hahaha, Stella's mouth is the thing of nightmares. It's too wide and I can't help but stare at it whenever it comes on screen. She has too much jaw or chin or lip to be in a profession where looks play a major part. Urgh. Just thinking about her makes me want to hit something or someone. AHHH. And yes yes yes! I swear she puts an entire tub of Vaseline on her lips everytime she has a scene to film. She's single-handedly keeping the lipcare franchise afloat! Hahaha Well done Stella! :D

And your recap is much more awesome than the real show could ever be!
:DDDDD IT'S ALL LIES. And real show is slowly slowly getting better. slightly. if you squint quite a bit. okay, a lot. But the Roman/Jenny/Lars development is wonderous. ADMIT IT, LILITH. ADMIT ITTTT. *fist shake*

And I am warm now because HOORAY it is no longer snowing and the sun is shining (a bit half-heartedly, I'll admit, but shining nonetheless!) so yippee. :D God I hate Winter. haha



lilithilien February 6 2009, 21:03:35 UTC
But the Roman/Jenny/Lars development is wonderous. ADMIT IT, LILITH. ADMIT ITTTT. *fist shake*

I'll admit it's growing on me like fungus but I am just crotchedy enough to know that the AWZ crackmonkeys writers are going to spoil it all before it goes anywhere by tossing in Lippy and her gums of steel (not to be confused with nipples of steel, which I highly approve of).

I don't know if you saw this that I posted for aldiara. It was the only important scene in the whole ep as far as I could tell.


graspthethorn February 15 2009, 19:30:22 UTC
My god, please--please!--for the love of God, never mention Stella's lips and Roman's nipples in the same sentence again. I AM THINKING HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW. Ones no slasher should ever, ever think. Christ on a cracker, I need to bleach my brain. :|

But yes, I do fear you are correct about the eejits that are the AWZ writers messing things up. I can already feel Stella worming her way into Lar's heart and, therefore, bed. :C but that'll leave Roman free to give Jenny a shoulder to cry on... Oh, who am I kidding, that'll never happen either.

And oh god, how I told you how much I love you for posting that scene? YEAH WELL, I DO. TOTALLY. <333
"That is Jenny's" *giggle*



aldiara February 5 2009, 20:32:07 UTC
OMG I just spent the last half-hour-twenty-minutes-however-ong-it-took-me-to-read-this HOWLING with laughter!! This recap is entirely made of win. I am now sorry I capped 604-608 because I want you to do it!!! hehehehe

Oh, and I am SO on board with Jenny/Lars/Roman. SO SO SO. Spin-off in Halle, please!!

*loves cracky recap like whoa*


graspthethorn February 6 2009, 16:36:39 UTC
:D HOWLING? Ahahahha xD
And LOLOL do not be sorry you capped 604-608 because I am sure they are wonderful and make 100% more sense than mine do, and I shall TOTALLY READ THEM when I have finished this comment (and I'll manage to read that Deniz thing that I soaked myself over in my excitement, too) YES. And I am doing 609 whether you've done it or not because HOMG JEROLA! That is its official name btw. Jerolaaaa. I love it and YES YESYES. Well done, show. I am proud of you <3
AND A SPIN-OFF IN HALLE WITH BE SO DELICIOUS I WOULD EXPLODE. I am fed-up of Nicole's smirk and Lena's ridiculous pregnancy and Annette's anger and Stella's froglike mouth and GAH. Where have all my lovely, funny, interesting, favourite characters gone? I miss them so :C

*loves you like whoa for loving this mess like whoa* YES.


aldiara February 6 2009, 18:52:13 UTC
Hahahah, I called it either JeRoLa or JeLaRo yesterday (can't recall) and then realised that it kinda sounded like a teletubby but even that didn't stop me. And I did do 609 but you muct totally do it too because piiiicspam is necessary!

Btw, Lil put the scene on loops because she is THAT AWESOME YES:

(hm, I hope embedding works for comments)


graspthethorn February 15 2009, 19:41:19 UTC
Though, oh god, Roman in episode ...613? 614? ICR... when he was all "Thank you from me too, schatz" *kiss* ACTUALLY BLEW MY MIND. Thank you, writers, thank you for making me actively ship Roman with a man again. :D hahhaha

And omg, lol, yes it does sound like a teletubby. Jesus, I shall never look at it in the same way again. xD Twinky Winky, Dipsy, Jelaro, Po. Oh my life, it fits. ...is it sad that we know this sort of stuff when we're significantly older than, you know, CHILDREN? :| hahah



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